35. Rest Pt. 02

383 13 196

Warnings: This chapter contains language, sexual themes, sexual content, mild blood, and fluff.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Circus Park Entrance - 3:35 p.m.

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"Sweet, sweet, you're so sweet~" the pink hedgehog sings as she skips up to the entrance gate of the theme park, her green and yellow hammer in hand.

This is a nice place for Rosey. She has been chasing Scourge and that red bimbo for a few weeks now, jumping through different worlds and universes. This is the first time that she's been away from her cutie pie for so long, but this place makes up for it with the clowns, and fun tents, the shows to be seen and cotton candy and clowns. Ooh, and especially the clowns. Those adorable Mobians painted white with their bright red noses.

"Miss? Excuse me, miss?"

Rosey turns back to the man in the booth and notices that she's next in line before walking up to it, dragging her hammer behind her.

"Admission for one?" the beaver asks as he prepares the next ticket.

Rosey just closes her eyes and brightly smiles at him as her hand tightens its grip on her hammer.

'Her smile is so cute.' The beaver thinks as he places the ticket on one side of the window. "It'll be nineteen rings, miss."

She grabs the ticket from the booth and skips to the front gate.

"Hey! Wait! You didn't pay!" The beaver calls out as he leaves the booth, trying to catch the pink hedgehog but quickly stops when he sees the hammer she's dragging. "Security!"

A green panda looks at his colleague, seeing the beaver pointing at pink hedgehog. He raises an eyebrow curious as to why the girl needs to be stopped before he spots the weapon. He immediately intercepts her. "Miss, we have a 'no weapons' policy.' You'll have to come with m-"

Rosey connects her hammer with the panda's side, breaking four ribs and sends him flying. She ignores him as his body crashes into the building to her right, creating a hole in the exterior. Her quills bounce with each skip she takes before she double jumps onto the building on her left.

A few onlookers watch the scene play out, terrified before they run out of the park, needing to leave. They don't want to be in a place where a dangerous person is.

A pink ear lowers when a scream is heard and Rosey just turns around, frowning. "Scaredy cats."

Ignoring the sudden scream and yells, Rosey jumps from one building to the next, seeing the huge tent in the distance. Clowns have always been an interest of hers, especially when she permanently paints their lips red. A fun little hobby she has, but alas, she's not here to smear blood across the poor Mobians mouths, she's just taking a short break from searching for her beloved Scourgey, and once she finds him, she'll make sure to damage a leg of his so he can't run from her ever again. Once he's permanently disabled then they'll have a very long talk about his behavior.

Teal eyes spot a cotton candy stand and they light up before Rosey jumps down and skips her way to it, ignoring the crowd she startled. "I want this biggest you can make, please~"

The vendor looks from the pink hedgehog to the item in her hand before they raise an eyebrow. A moment passes before the koala blinks and smiles at the hedgehog. "Ah, you mus' be da new performa' da ten't masta' signed on."

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Rosey grabs her sweet treat and quickly dismisses the purple koala. She skips away, taking a bit of her blue treat and something to her left catches her eye. She walks over to the building and looks at the television, still eating her treat.

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