04 Crystal Cavern Part 1

889 24 16

5:59 p.m.

"This is all your fault, hedgehog." Shadow growls. His normal, deep, apathetic voice is full of mostly irritation but slight pain can be heard as he holds his right shoulder. He's more than sure that's it dislocated from when they fell into this dark abyss and he smacked his shoulder against a ridged ledge, which caused him to land on his back.

"Ha, that's rich coming from you!" Sonic retorts while holding his left side. He's pretty sure he broke a few ribs when he hit more of the cave's ledges several times while falling before landing on a boulder down here. He's surprised his head didn't crack open, but he now has a throbbing headache too.

Shadow grips his shoulder tighter, trying to find the easiest way to pop it back into place. "If you paid attention, like I told you to,"

Sonic just rolls his eyes. 'Here it comes.'

"-then," Shadow grabs his upper arm and takes a breath before pushing it upwards into the socket, a sickening pop following afterwards. He bites down on his tongue to stifle any unwanted grunts from the pain. Though it's not his first time dislocating his shoulder, it still hurts as if it were. Luckily for him, he's quick in the healing department thanks to his Chaos Energy. "-none of this would've happened."

"Oh yes," Sonic leans back against the wall, trying to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. The only source of light is coming from the top where they fell, and it was dim up there to begin with. "-because I'm supposed to know just how sturdy the ground is in this old, crumbling cave that could collapse at any moment. A thousand pardons your highness." Sonic scoffs as he tightens the grip on his side. Unfortunately for him, there's not much he can do about broken ribs.

Shadow glares at where Sonic's voice is coming from and clenches his good hand in irritation. "I refuse to be stuck with you on this mission longer than need be. You are going to direct us in the right path, and you are going to do it right now."

"Hey genius," Sonic pushes himself from the wall and takes a step towards Shadow's voice, "-I would oh so love to but I've never been down here. Trust me, I'd remember if I ever went into a pitch-black cavern where I can't even see my hand in front of my face."

"Tch," Shadow turns his head and tries to listen for Rouge, "-you're useless."

Sonic rolls his eyes again as he takes small steps, wanting to make sure he doesn't trip over anything. "Aw, didn't know you cared so much about me."

Shadow snaps his head back to Sonic's direction, barring his teeth. "I swear to Chaos I will end you once this is over."

At this point Sonic is annoyed. Shadow is partially right about this being his fault but how was he supposed to know that the ground was going to collapse when it did?. Not only that, but he can't see anything in front of him, on top of him being in a lot of pain right now. "Please, you haven't been able to before. What makes you think you'll be able to now?"

"Can we focus?!" Rouge yells as she's gripping her right ankle. She can't tell if it's sprained or broken but she could care less now. All she knows is that her foot and the back of her head are killing her. It's a good thing that she has wings, so she doesn't need to worry about walking at least. And all of their equipment is pretty much shattered from the fall. It'd be a miracle if their earpiece still worked. "Look, we all know how much you both love,"

"Hate," Shadow corrects his partner.

"I'd say dislike myself." Sonic smirks, knowing he's still pissing the brooding hedgehog off.

"Faker," Shadow takes a blind step towards the younger hedgehog.

"'Sup, honeybuns?" Sonic knows he's poking the bear but it's his way of coping with the pain. It's starting to get hard for him to breathe.

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