29. Troubled Pt. 01

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Warnings: This chapter contains language, violence, mild blood, and mild adult themes.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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The Great Forest - 5:17 p.m.

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Leaves shake off a tree branch as a heavy scaled foot dangles from it, moving ever so slightly. The soft sound of leaves hitting the forest floor is surprisingly pleasant to his ears. He should be mindful though, needing to make sure not to burn this disgusting, overly green forest to the ground. He wants to keep himself hidden... for now at least.

Green and red eyes continue to watch the battle in the distance, seeing the fun blue blob beating the blood out of some pink stick with arms and legs. He was right: the hero is just so much fun to watch.

Iblis would go down there to properly enjoy the fight, tagging the hero out so he could have his share at beating the stick to death but decides against it. He's only watching this Sonic from afar, waiting for the moment Mephiles will show up. Until then, he'll keep watching this lovely, brutal show.

"Happy am me he didn't die dead. If he die dead, then Mephiles won't come." His tongue flicks against a bottom fang, remembering how it felt to pierce the soft flesh. A fanged smile then grazes his lips. "Sonic must stay happy, I protec until Mephiles come."

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Outskirts of Acorn Kingdom - 5:20 p.m.

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"W-what... did you say...?" Silver looks from Fleetway to the darkened hedgehog and then back to the golden one.

Fleetway just raises an eyebrow. "What? You have corn in your ears or something?" He ignores the glare and growl he's getting from the light hedgehog with a plant growing from his head. "I said he is everything that Sonic has repressed: his fear, guilt, shame, hatred. His turmoil and insecurities," he closes his eyes and smiles, chuckling to himself. "–and yes, before you ask, Sonic does get insecure from time to time."

"There's no way," Khan speaks up as he growls at the hedgehog. "-he's never been insecure–"

"That you know of." The golden head nods side to side in delight. "He's a great actor, y'know."

"My son is not an actor!" Bernadette grits her teeth. Oh, how she wishes she had her gun right now. She'd shoot this smug monster in the head. "He's not insecure about himself! You don't know a thing about him!"

Red, spiral eyes roll before Fleetway turns to see what banshee is screeching behind him. His eyes open and a big smile goes on his face. "Mommy! Hi Mommy, I miss you so much!" He moves from his spot, startling the four males around him and instantly appears in front of his mom with his arms wide open. "Can I have a hug, please? Pretty please with sugar on top?"

She takes a step back and points at him, hating everything there is about him. He only causes destruction when he's out and her son would never do anything like that. "You're not my son, you fiend!"

Jules pulls his wife behind her and growls at the nuisance. "Stay away from my wife!"

Fleetway drops his arms and just looks at his parents, a little dumbfounded. A sigh leaves his mouth, and he just shakes his head disappointingly before looking back at the hedgehogs and then to his uncle, only to receive a glare from the latter. "Jeez, I knew Sonic was stupid but now I see where he gets it from. Oh well," he turns around, about to go back to his previous sport in front of the crowd to watch the beating but looks over his shoulders to his family once more. "-I still love my stupid family, ha ha ha ha ha." He turns to Amy and Tails, seeing the uneasiness on their faces and he gives them a smile before going back.

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