33. Haywire PT. 02

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Warnings: This chapter contains language and blood.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Acorn Kingdom - Outside the Hedgehog Residence - 11:00 a.m.

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Dust hovers over the ground, hiding the scorch marks and holes from the fireball attacks. There are patches of grass that are charred, and some flowers and bushes have been burnt. The porch also has some burn marks but nothing too devastating.

Sonic lowers his head, clenching his eyes shut as he rubs them, trying to soothe the burning. That light was too bright, even with his eyes closed it was able to hurt him. Last time Mephiles and Iblis had merged he was already dead, so he didn't have this pleasure of being around and going temporarily blind.

Shaking his head Sonic slowly opens his eyes and blinks a few times. His vision blurry but he sees something black and purple right against his foot before he realizes what it is. Green eyes widen as he kneels down and picks up that stupid tail-ring that Mephiles tortured him with before the deity had used it as a choker or necklace...? He's not sure what it was on Mephiles.

A sigh leaves him as he looks at the onyx ring and he notices that the eerie glow is completely gone. The tanzanite gems are dark and dull. There's no life in the ring anymore.

Peach fingers wrap around the cold accessory, holding it tight before he feels a strong but odd presence in front of him. He quickly raises his head and sees opaque, white eyes staring right at him. He can barely take in the red jewel on the forehead as he's just trying to keep himself composed. The energy the guy in front of him is exuding is overwhelming.

Charles helps Jules to his feet before looking from the balcony over towards his nephew and- he can feel his breath get caught in his throat. There's a strong presence coming from whatever this being is.

Silver shakes his head, grabbing it. That shockwave had thrown him into Vector and Knuckles, who had hit the side of the house, though he's not sure which one had actually hit the house.

Amber eyes open and Silver sees a taller white Mobian in front of Sonic, but he doesn't recognize him. He has eight wings on his back with red trimmings on them. The only thing that's familiar about him is the red jewel on the forehead with gold inscriptions- "Solaris?!"

"Wh-what ... is that creature...?" Sally looks over at Sonic and sees the new Mobian...? Can she even categorize it as that? Too much energy is coming from that... thing. It's like dealing with Enerjak all over again. Never mind the goosebumps it's giving her. She can barely even move.

Amy grabs hold of Knuckles' shoulder and turns towards Sally, seeing Khan holding her shoulders. "That's Solaris, the sun god of time but... he wasn't in this form before..." She can feel constant chills running down her spine from just looking at him.

"That's... the god...?" Khan squeezes Sally's shoulders as he looks at the deity. He's had seen his share of powerful enemies, but they all pale in comparison to... this one. All but that stalker. Those two may be on the same level of power as they are in intimidation. That stalker had ripped Shadow's ear off as if it were wet paper. There was absolutely no effort put into it and this... entity? The energy he's giving off is completely from a different realm altogether.

"You..." the being says in a quiet, monotone voice. He looks down into the green eyes, curious about this creature.

Shadow quickly snaps his eyes opened and he pushes the lemur off him, disregarding the faint "ow". They couldn't stop the merging. The good thing is that the jerk is gone but now they must deal with this entity and who knows how this will turn out. He had already started the morning off with that stalker, which caused him to lose an ear. Shadow hadn't planned on dealing with a second immortal, especially now.

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