30. Birthday Pt. 01

445 14 284

Warning: This chapter contains mild language, violence, and mild blood.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Acorn Kingdom – Hedgehog Residence - 6:46 a.m.

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Jules is trying to keep his composure as he sees the man, no, this... creature who has been tormenting his son for the last six months standing at his doorstep, first thing in the morning. Those teeth are haunting as is the dull blue quills and pale muzzle but those are nothing compared to the black and red eyes staring at him. Those eyes are terrifying to look at, much more psychotic than Fleetway's maniacal spirals and that's saying something.

Exe can see the fear in the man's eyes and revels in it. It's always refreshing to visit a new universe and get reactions from others, especially when they try their hardest to hide the fear like this one before him is trying to do. Honestly, Exe must applaud him, he's not doing a bad job at hiding his fear. At first glance, one wouldn't be able to tell but the longer he looks into those brown eyes, does he see that wonderful, beautiful emotion everyone has.

"Now, now, it's not polite to stare." Exe closes his eyes and chuckles, not caring if he lightens the mood or not, though, it is quite entertaining to play with a potential new toy.

"Although," he tilts his head to the side, taking in the other's appearance. He looks just like an older version of his Love, only with brown hair hanging on the left side of his face. "None of the other Sonic's I've had the pleasure of meeting ever had a dad. One did have a mom who was a queen and siblings, but," he lets out an eerie chuckle despite his soft tone, "-they were just a joke. We'll leave that one underground."

Jules can feel his blood run cold despite it being rather warm this morning. "He had siblings?"

"Oh, please," Exe waves the topic off, "-they're not worth talking about."

Brown eyes close and Jules rubs his forehead, taking a slow breath. "And how do I know you won't kill my son as you have the other Sonic?"

Sharp teeth are revealed as a huge grin goes across Exe's face. He doesn't know why but talking about his current Love just brings so much joy to his non-existing heart. "This Sonic is the only one out of every other Sonic I've loved, who has ever kissed me. He started the kiss when I first came here."

"No, you were the one who kissed him. We all saw it." Brown eyes narrow at the red and black ones.

Another chuckle leaves the pale mouth. "True, but he was the one who licked my lips, asking for entrance to my mouth. No other Sonic has ever done that. They all try to get out of my grip, yet this one." He closes his eyes and hugs himself, wishing it was his Love instead. "I know this one truly loves me."

Jules bites back a growl. He knows the only reason Sonic would ever do that was to make sure they were safe. His son is too quick to sacrifice himself for others.

Pale arms drop back down to his side as red eyes taunt brown ones, still seeing how they're trying to suppress the fear in them. "He plays a little hard to get at times but in the end, he's always submissive. He always makes sure that I'm pleased with him and that makes him such a cute boyfriend, wouldn't you agree?"

Though fear is in his eyes, Jules can feel himself getting angry the more the bastard in front of him talks. However, he won't do anything foolish. He doesn't want to cause any problems for anyone. "I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to me about my son like this."

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