43. You

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Warnings: This chapter contains language and mild blood.

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Reverse World - Little Planet - 39 Years Ago

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The hand tightens its grip on the neck, squeezing harder. He can feel the trachea pressed firmly against the palm of his hands as the sound of choking becomes louder in his ears. However, said ears flicker when they hear laughter alongside the choking, making him narrow his eyes at the doctor in front of him.

"You're," his voice his breathless with the lack of air going in his body but he continues to keep the smile on his face despite his situation. "-a fool. And ... here I thought... you were another Sonic..."

Red eyes just glare at the fat scientist, staring into those damn, obnoxious eyes. His glasses had broken during this little confrontation and Exe could clearly see Robotnik's eyes. Surprisingly, they're the same as his: red irises and black sclera. He would have never known had the glasses stayed on.

Still, he's not here to discuss the human's appearance. He tries again, his voice calm and low with a threatening undertone to it. "Where is he?"

Robotnik's bloody lips curl into a smirk as he chuckles at the slightly pale, blue hedgehog. To think he'd actually meet a Sonic who takes a life. "He's gone..."

Claws slowly dig into the sides of the neck, puncturing it and he can feel blood starting to coat his fingers. "Is he dead?"

"Dead?" Robotnik closes his eyes, leans his head back and roars in laughter. He can't defend himself; this Sonic had ripped both his arms off his body, one at the elbow, the other just below his shoulder and both of his legs are broken into pieces. He already knows he won't survive this hedgehog. The moment he saw Sonic rip that pink hedgehog's spine out of her body before slaughtering the rest of those idiot freedom fighters, he knew he didn't have a chance. But still, even in his last moments, he's going to enjoy taunting this Sonic, after all, he already defeated his Sonic, what's another one before his death?

Exe feels every emotion leaving him, all but hatred. This fat fuck is playing with him and though he usually likes games, he is not in the mood to play, not when it comes to the very first Sonic.

Robotnik feels the hand leave his throat only to slice his left cheek and ear clean off his face. He doesn't scream out in pain though, no, he just keeps laughing. This is far too entertaining to him.

The blue hedgehog tilts his head to the side, curiously. None of his prey have ever laughed in the face of death before and it's bizarre to see this. They've either tried to run from him or stand in a fight, but it always ends the same. Still, as interesting as this might be he's not in the mood for it. He just wants to know where Sonic is.

Robotnik shakes his head a little, flinging droplets of blood to the side as his laughter dies down. "No, my Sonic isn't dead, well, not literally at least. He still exists."

Murderous eyes narrow at that and his claws extend. He can feel his blood boil at the thought that some type of harm came to his hero. "What do you mean? What did you do to him?"

Fearless, red eyes look at the deadly weapons and smirks even more before turning back to the hedgehog. "Let's just say, he's not the hedgehog you think he is and please, worry, because you will never find him. Not in this universe or any other out of the million in this multiverse. You will be banished again long before you even get a clue as to where he is, you filthy rat."

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