44. Talk Pt. 05

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Warnings: This chapter contains offensive language, and yeah.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy your tea.

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Acorn Kingdom – Hospital – Room 137 – 5:35 p.m.

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"Ah, it feels like we've been in this hospital forever~" Charmy whines as he leans against Tails, who the fox is leaning against Ray, who's leaning against Mighty, who's leaning against Espio, who is leaning against Knuckles, who's leaning against Vector, who's stomach is grumbling.

Vector really should swing by Vanilla's for a night or two. She would let him and Espio sleep in her bed, who the chameleon would stay on the floor, giving him the bed for himself as Charmy, Cream and Vanilla stayed in Cream's room as those three shared the bed. It seems like the only time Vector spends any time with his gal now is when Espio decides he wants to be an uncle and babysit... or if Vector hires Shadow again to take the kiddos to the park but that's a lot of money that he doesn't have to be hiring the agent.

Tails looks at the young bee and smiles at him, still feeling a little squished but he only laughs it off. "It's only been about eleven hours."

"But that's eleven hours of my life I won't get back." Charmy whines before he closes his eyes and thinks about the new friend he made. "Aw, I wish Mr. Fuzzy didn't have to leave so soon."

"Mr. Fuzzy...?" Vector looks along the line of bodies leaning against each other to his son. "Who's that?"

"Oh," Brown eyes open wide in excitement, remembering all the fun he and Cream had with the gold hedgehog. "-he's- oh right, I swore I wouldn't reveal his identity." Charmy looks at Sonic and winks at him, wanting to keep the hero's cousin a secret.

This only gets the young bee confused looks from everyone in the room, especially Sonic. 'Why would I know who Fuzzy is?'

"He stayed with us at Cream's house for two days too." Brown eyes look over towards Espio. "He's more fun than you, Epsy-"

An amber eye twitches at the name but Espio remains silent. He'll correct Charmy about his name later.

"Wait," Vector chimes in, "-Mr. Fuzzy stayed at Vanilla's house? Where'd he sleep?" 'Please say the couch, please say the couch, please say the couc-'

"In Vanilla's room."

Vector closes his eyes, opens his mouth to take a nice, long deep breath, and curses like a sailor internally. How dare some stranger he doesn't know sleep in his-erm, Vanilla's bed? That's where he sleeps. Now he definitely needs to go visit his girl after they leave the kingdom. No way is this Mr. Fuzzy jerk gonna just make himself comfy in their-erm Vanilla's bed. Not on his watch.

Tails turns to Charmy and raises an eyebrow. "Have we met Mr. Fuzzy before?"

The bee just shrugs his shoulders. "I dunno."

Sonic is still confused as to why Charmy winked at him as if he knew who the younger was talking about. He just shakes his head or tries to, but his broken collar bones remind him why he can't move like he wants to. He's distracted when he feels hands lightly touch his head, undoing the bandages. His visible eye looks up to see a black and red arm- "Shadow?"

Said hedgehog just continues to careful remove the bandages. He doesn't like seeing Sonic like this, looking so... injured when none of this should've happened in the first place. "Don't move, you'll hurt yourself otherwise."

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