19. Talk PT. 03

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Warnings: This chapter contains some language and mild sexual themes.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

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2 Days Later - Albion Ruins – Laboratory 1:24 a.m.

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Lava rolls down feet with each step taken and onto the floor, creating small fires, as the person continues to walk in the half-destroyed room. Other than the scent of smoke, he can clearly smell different things in this place; odors of four other creatures, different emotions from anger to fear to something he's not too familiar with and different types of liquids, strange liquids. Though faint, one scent, in particular, stands out to him.

"Ah, my other," a finger taps against the cheek as the owner looks to the side wall, seeing an indentation in it and a hole next to that. Something must have slammed against it at the very least to make such a print.  More importantly though, he knows exactly what created that hole. "-where have you gone?"

The creature sets the lab on fire before disappearing into the flames with a fanged smile on his face. Hopefully one of the scents he picked up belonged to this Sonic person. Surely, they'd be able to tell him where his other is.

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Acorn Kingdom – Hospital 10:16 a.m.

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The duck writes down on his clipboard and nods his head in approval. It was quite the challenge from what he had to deal with the last two days. Sonic and Knuckles were brought to the hospital, drugged with some kind of chemicals. That, he could handle. The screeching of an angry mother and concerned friends? That's something he doesn't like handling. It was nearly impossible to get a word in with everyone shouting at him, trying to tell him how to do his job and the constant questioning. Ah, yes, the questions. Questions he had no answers to because, again, he was out here dealing with them and not with his patients.

The doctor just shakes his head and looks over to his two patients. After the nurses had reassured the concerned party, they were able to bring the young men in the back and started pumping their bodies with fluids to get rid of whatever was in them. Luckily, it was nothing life threatening and it doesn't seem like it left any type of side effects other than some fatigue. They had both been unconscious until late last night.

"So, doc?" Sonic starts before he yawns. He is still exhausted. 'Really would've thought sleeping at Zero's place would've helped a bit at least. Wonder how he's doing? Hope  he made it to where he had to go alright.'

Seeing the duck look up at him, Sonic continues. "-what's the verdict? Can we leave or do ya need to still watch us?"

"It's called observation, Sonic."

Sonic just chuckles. "Right, right, my bad."

*Dr. Quack looks from the hedgehog to the echidna before he nods his head again. "No, you guys are free to go, just make sure you check in with the receptionists before you leave." He writes the last of his things down before he leaves the room. "And don't over do it, Sonic!" He yells from the hallway.

"No promises!" Sonic leans forward and another chuckle leaves his mouth. "I'd thought we'd have to stay another night, eh, Knux?" He looks over to his friend sitting on the other bed but notices that the echidna is completely focused on something else. "Yo, dude, you cool?"

Knuckles has his eyes closed and tightens his fists before he looks to the hedgehog. Out of the two of them, he had recovered first since he was only injected with one thing, which actually surprises him to see Sonic back to normal so fast.

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