27. Countdown Pt. 2

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Warnings: This chapter contains language.

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2:34 a.m. - Sonic's Subconscious

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The white void is completely barren of objects and color, save for the two hedgehogs standing in the middle of it. One being a bright yellow while the other is the complete opposite in color, a midnight blue. Both hedgehogs are only an arm's length from the other, in the midst of their deadly battle.

"Any 5's?" Fleetway asks, casually sitting in the air with his legs crossed one over the other. He looks from the cards in his left hand to the dark, green eyes, wanting to read them to make sure the other isn't lying about his answer.

Dark Sonic merely clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth before handing the requested card to the other. This is their sixth game and he's been on a losing streak the entire time. "How the hell do you keep winning at this?"

Fleetway takes the card and burns the pair into ash before turning to look back at the last card in his hand. "Haa, ah, you just suck at this." A giggle leaves his mouth as he burns his last card. "I'm gonna need that 7 by the way. Ya know, to properly beat ya."

Dark, green eyes roll before the hedgehog throws one of his four cards at the asshole, watching him catch it before instantly turning it to ash. He, himself, then incinerates the three cards in his hand before stretching his arms above his head. Dark lets out a yawn and falls backwards, hitting the ground with a thud before he uses his hands to rest the back of his head.

A toothy grin reaches Fleetway's face. "Aw, don't tell me you're done already, D~" Fleetway grabs the deck of floating cards and burns them too, cleaning up after himself before he lays on his side in the air, resting his cheek on top of his knuckles.

"Jeez, you and Sonic both come up with the worst nicknames for people." Dark just turns on his side, facing away from the menace to attempt to get some kind of sleep.

Another chuckle leaves peach lips as red, spiraled eyes look at the back of the dark blue hedgehog. Fleetway flies over towards the other version of their host and floats upside down, letting his forehead nearly touch Dark's, only to make him turn to face the other way. "Now tell me one bad nickname I came up with."

Dark shakes his head and stifles a yawn. " 'Mephi-Daddy' -"

"Fuck you, bitch." Fleetway flicks the tip of the blue ear, the attack instantly turning the appendage red, before he straightens himself up and floats backwards a bit. He directs a glare at the back of the blue head while folding his arms over his chest angrily. "Out of everyone, why do you have to hate that glorious hunk of a hedgehog?"

Dark sits up and turns to look at the whack-job, his eyes finally turning all white. He raises an eyebrow and looks at the other in disbelief. "That tentacle freak? A hunk? Please, he's just a has been of Shadow with a different color pallet. The most he has going for him are those creepy, glowing eyes of his. Everything else is just a copy of a questionable lifeform."

No matter how much Fleetway may want to rip the other's head off his shoulder for making such a comment, he holds himself back. Not because he's scared of the other or will lose to him, Chaos no, he had beaten the other in everything they've done from racing to sparring which turned into an actual fight, to different types of games. No, the only reason he's holding himself back is because he doesn't know what will happen to their host should a part of him die. Fleetway knows if he dies then Sonic will as well, but he's not sure what would happen if Dark were to die. Dark was created a completely different way then he was. "Alright, you wanker,"

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