20. Deal Pt 01

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20. Deal Part 01

Warnings: This chapter contains mild language and mild sexual themes.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

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The Hedgehog Residence - 7:17 p.m.

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The water turns off as Chuck dries his hands. The four hedgehogs had just finished eating dinner a bit ago and Chuck had decided he would do the dishes tonight since Jules went shopping to buy the ingredients and Bernadette has cooked. The three always kept that pattern: someone shops, someone else cooks and that last person does the dishes. That way, they can't argue about someone slacking off.

Sonic pats his lap a few times before he gets up from the table, wanting to take his much-needed shower. The moment he got home did his dad have him help put the groceries away. After that his mom had him help cook dinner since he hasn't helped cook in a while. He's pretty surprised that his uncle didn't have him help with the dishes afterwards.

"Welp," Sonic takes a step away from the table, "-dinner was great but I'm gonn-"

"Sit down." Jules says before he takes a drink from his mug. The tone in his voice was one that was of authority. He wasn't going to allow his son to get out of this, no. Especially when he came home in such a foul mood at that. Sonic had barely said a word the entire time he was home.

The young hedgehog looks over to his mom to see her nod her head towards his chair and he let outs a breath, before taking a seat, still being mindful of his tail-ring. He looks between the three adults: his dad has his eyes closed while drinking his coffee, his mom has her chin on her hand looking at him, while his uncle is tracing over the rim of his mug, looking at him. It wouldn't be as nerve-racking if they weren't all waiting for him to speak.

'Uh-oh, looks like we're in trouble~'

Sonic completely ignores his other side as he turns his attention back to his dad. "So..."

Jules places his mug down and finally looks at his son. "Are you finally going to talk about what's going on?"

Sonic sucks in a breath. "Don't really wanna," he lets out a nervous chuckle. He then clears his throat when he sees his dad glare at him. 'Apparently he's not in a joking mood. Noted.'

"Let me rephrase it since this is not up for debate: what is going on?"


Said hedgehog looks over to his mother.

"-you were kidnapped by that stalker, who, Chaos knows why, looks just like you."

Sonic flinches a bit from that. Out of everything he's been through the last seven days, that's the only thing he can do without remembering. As bad as it sounds, he'll takes every thing else that happened to him all over again before remembering what his stalker did to him.

Bernadette places both hands on the table as she's trying keep herself calm. "And then when you do come back, you're heavily drugged and wounded and," she slams her hands on the table and leans close to her son. "-what happened to you?!"

Sonic looks over to his uncle to see if his elder is going to chime in but only gets a raised eyebrow instead. He rubs his forehead and leans back in his chair. "Look, it's just... a lot has happened and I-"


Sonic's ear fold back from the sternness in his father's voice. This is not how he wanted to spend his evening, not at all. "I... I don't even know where to start."

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