14. Talk Part 02

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Warnings: This chapter contains, um, uh... it contains Sonic and um, yeah. Oh, mild sexual themes, mild blood, mild violence, and mild language. There we go. 

Please be advised. Thank you.

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Residence of Shadow: Basement: 11:43 a.m.

'Aaaahhh~ Aaaahhhh~ Ahhhaaaa~ Hhhhaaaaa~' Peach lips quietly moan into a black ear before teeth gently bite down on it.

A sports-taped hand quickly connects with a punching bag before its drawn back just so the other hand can make contact with the it. The pressure from each hit is causing the tough material to weaken bit by bit.

'Aaaah~ Aahhaaa~ Aahhhh~' Green eyes close as the blue head is thrown back. The peach gloveless hands tighten their grip on the black shoulders, which only encourages him to do more.

Red eyes narrow as the red and black hands keep attacking the training equipment. The hedgehog is desperately trying to drown out those god-forsaken sounds, those cursed low moans that he keeps hearing. Those damn images he keeps seeing in his head.


The left hand punctures the heavy punching bag, but Shadow doesn't pay any attention to the damage as he quickly pulls it out and continues pummeling the item, completely ignoring the sand starting to fall.

'To hear him moan your name.' Mephiles' voice echoes before he sees the blue hedgehog tightly wrap his legs around his waist, his arms are wrapped around his neck and his lips against the agent's. 'Sha-aaahhh~ aaaaahhhh~ SHADOW~'

Shadow puts more energy in his next punch and the moment his fist connects does the chain holding the punching bag snap and the equipment is sent flying towards the door. At the same time, the door opens revealing his partner. She sees the incoming item and quickly steps aside, letting the punching bag slam against the wall and sand sprays everywhere.

Rouge looks at the bag, the trail of sand, and the panting yet clearly annoyed hedgehog before she lets out a sigh. "Hun, this is the fourth bag today." She steps over the now useless equipment and sidesteps most of the sand as she makes her way towards her roommate. "What's got you so upset?"

Shadow takes an end of the towel from around his neck and wipes his face with it before reaching a bench to grab his drink. "I'm fine," he irritably states before he starts drinking, really wishing she won't notice.

Hands make their way on both hips as Rouge just stares at her friend. "Uh-huh, sure you are." She flies up and unhooks the broken chain. No sense of trying to fix something that's unfixable. "Hun, you completely demolished the bag. That's not something you normally do while you train." She lands and grabs the Chaos Emerald off the counter, making her way towards Shadow.

Red eyes roll as Shadow clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He really doesn't like that she knows him so well at times. He takes the purple emerald, Chaos Controlling them to G.U.N.'s training room. They both ignore the surprised gasps as they make their way to one of the many stored punching bags. "Rouge, I'm fine."

"Fine?" She questions him as they pick out a heavy one, silently agreeing that this one will last a little bit longer than the last before they snag it and teleport back to their house. "Hun, this is the fourth punching bag we've taken from G.U.N. just today. You never go through this many bags when you're," she uses finger quotations for her next word while watching Shadow hook this one to the ceiling. "-fine."

Shadow just shakes his head. He really doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't, but that stupid conversation he had with the idiot comes back to him, especially the repressing part. A groan leaves his lips. He really doesn't want to be a hypocrite. "Fine..."

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