41. Promise

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Warnings: This chapter contains language, violence, blood, angst, and character deaths. There will be some graphic scenes.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Reverse World - 10:33 a.m.

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A red portal opens, and the blue rose can be seen. The petals have long since wilted and the stem is dried which causes a smile to go on the pale face. Though the order was only given to Shadow, no one else had touched or even noticed it for that matter.

Exe lifts his right hand and moves his fingers a little, causing the rose to release black vapors as it disintegrates. While the room fills with the black mist Exe closes the portal and he looks back to the empty jar on the mantle, not the one belonging to the original Sonic but the one he has made out for his newest Love.

"I've finally had a taste of that wonderful body of yours," a claw scratches the surface of the glass, causing the disturbing sound to echo in the shack. "-it won't be too much longer for me to bring you here now and when I do,"

Red and black eyes look at the reflection in the glass and he can't help but lick his lips in hunger. "-I will feast on that delicious body of yours, Love~"

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Acorn Kingdom - Hospital - Room 129 - 10:36 a.m.

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The room is quiet and filled with dread. All eyes look at the planet's hero and are filled with empathy, pity, or anger at what the blue hedgehog has been going through. Sonic being kidnapped, drugged and whatever else happened to him live in front of who knows how many people aside, the person who has been causing his life hell had damaged him in a way that no one should ever go through.

To see such a happy, free-willed, strong person lying in the hospital bed like this... Those bright, green eyes completely dull with tears in them, something that is rare to see from the hero, to see, to know all the injuries he had endured at the cost of saving someone else despite the person being a creep who probably didn't deserve it...

This is completely heart wrenching.

Sonic closes his eyes and takes a deep breath or tries to, but he feels a sharp pain in his ribs when he does, making him wince slightly. He uses his good hand to wipe the tears from his eyes and he lays his body against the bed. "...Sorry guys... I know this isn't like me..."

"Don't you dare apologize to us," Amy walks up to her friend and takes a hold of his hand, lightly gripping it. "You have every right to be upset or cry or feel anguish or do what you need to." She can feel tears forming in her eyes the longer she looks at him. "No one should have gone through what you did, stupid..."

Sonic lets out a faint smirk and takes his hand from hers. He grabs the back of her head and brings her face to his chest, hearing a surprised gasp from her. "You're so naggy," a small laugh leaves his mouth before he kisses the top of her head.

Shadow watches the scene and is surprised that he's not feeling even a twinge of jealousy. If anything, this reminds him of his time on the Ark with Maria and how she would kiss his head like that to reassure him everything would be okay, that they would have wonderful lives.

"And you're still a reckless, brash dummy, stupid." The hand leaves Amy's head and she softly smiles at Sonic.

There's no romance between the two and she's perfectly fine with that. It surprises her how fast she had gotten over him after they had broken up, to the point where she questioned if she was really in love with him or if it was a phase of sorts. She loves him as a person and when they were dating, he had never changed but the feelings of love and adoration she had for him weren't there when they were just casually hanging out. She's not sure if it was just the adrenaline of going on life saving adventures constantly and the thrill of being by her hero's side that she loved and not who he is. Either way, she felt bad and broke up with him, not wanting to force something that she didn't feel for him, and he was completely understanding about it. In fact, Sonic appreciated her even more for her honesty.

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