45. Just Another Normal Day 01

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 Warnings: This chapter contains mild offensive language and tiny, minor blood.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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4 Days Later – Acorn Kingdom – Hedgehog Residence – 11:15 a.m.

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"Why?" The rhetorical question leaves peach lips and just hangs in the air as light green eyes just stare at nothing in front of him. The blue hedgehog feels another tug on his side before more unwanted warmth is pressed against his chest and lap, making him sigh and shake his head.

The sound of the shotgun cocking can be heard again, but Bernadette can't do anything more than point the weapon in front of her. It's one thing that these... cretins had stayed here for the last four days, but it's worse that they're doing this to her son. She already went through this from that deity jerk, Meth-cocaine or whatever the heck his name was, she doesn't want to experience this with more creeps.

Jules walks into the front room and his left eye immediately twitches in annoyance. He had been against this the moment these three had come here but somehow his son had talked him into letting them stay. But for them to be all over Sonic like this? Oh, how he wishes Sonic would punch them in the face and throw them out already.

"Tails! Please tell me you're done!" Sonic cries out to his brother as he pushes the short woman off him or tries to at least but her tail is wrapped around his arm, making it harder for him to move.

"Ugh, stop moving already. You're getting really uncomfortable-" She whines as she shifts her bottom on his lap, trying to get comfortable, for the third time in the last ten minutes.

"Get off me Zeena!" Sonic fusses at the green Zeti on him before he feels the arms wrapped around his waist pull him backwards, making his back press against the other's chest. Angrily, he looks over his shoulder and frowns at the pink Zeti. "And let me go already, jeez!"

The door opens and laughter can be heard before it instantly stops, looking at the scene in front of them. Tails is working on something with his ears folded down, looking annoyed while Jules is standing next to the fox, his hand over his eyes and head down low. Bernadette looks furious with her gun aimed at the couch...? Sitting on said furniture is the lanky, pink guy that Sonic had beat up with Sonic sitting in his lap, while some green chick is sitting in his lap...? Plus, there's a big red dude sitting right next to the speedster with his tail obviously wrapped around the blue waist...?

"Tch, man, these losers are here again." Zazz starts as he loses his smirk. No one in the group interests him like Sonic does. Sure, some of them look strong, but until they can beat him to a pulp then they're not worth his time. "Don't you creeps have anything better to do than come here?"

"Seriously," Zeena rolls her eyes before she snuggles against Sonic's chest, closing her eyes in the process. "-I'm trying to get comfortable."

Sally, Silver, and Blaze's eyes twitch from seeing this before Sonic just shakes his head. The audacity his girl has.

"Sonic," Tangle raises an eyebrow, confused about all of this. "-why are you-"

"Who even are they?" Sally asks, her fists clenched at her sides. Her feelings aside, there is no reason anyone should be all over Sonic like this, but for two of them to have a hold of Sonic?

Whisper turns back to the mother hedgehog, and she looks at the weapon slightly trembling in the hedgehog's hand. "Your gun?"

The purple hedgehog sadly shakes her head as she looks at the yellow wolf. "Sorry, but I can't move it." Oh, if she had her way then the floor would be littered in shotgun shells by now.

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⏰ Last updated: 32 minutes ago ⏰

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