34. Searching Pt. 03

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Warning: This chapter contains language, some graphic detail, mild violence, and blood.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Clockwork Town 12:02 p.m.

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"Ugh, I swear, he's always missing his appointments..." Lexi complains as she and the older deer finish walking up the stairs to go on the third floor of the apartment complex. This was the second time this week he skipped this meeting and they needed to get to the bottom of this.

Adelle shakes her head and frowns. "What did you ever see in him? He does nothing but drink all day and night and cause problems for the rest of us."

The pink ferret rolls her eyes as they reach his door. "Hey, he used to be fun before he became a hardcore drunk."

"Whatever," the deer knocks on the door. "Shnock! You skipped out on us, again! Now open the door!"

Both ladies wait and try to listen for footsteps but hear nothing. Another minute passes before Adelle tries again. She knocks harder on the door this time. "I know you're there, you jerk! Now open-up! There are other things I can be doing right now"

Lexi lets out a sigh before she shakes her head and takes a bobby pin from her hair to pick the lock. "You really are too much to deal with. That's why I dumped your ass," she mumbles under her breath.

Adelle raises an eyebrow and places her hand on her hips. "Where did you learn to pick locks?"

"I told you," the ferret uses her other hand to jiggle the doorknob as she tries to manipulate the locking mechanism. "-he used to be fun. We used to do all sorts of ... things together."

"I really don't wanna know, after all, I'm pretty sure you were the reason Sonic left last week." The deer places her hands on her hips and waits as her friend continues her work.

"Oh please. You threw yourself all over him after he brought Annie back from Dr. Eggman's clutches."

Adelle puffs her cheeks out. "I was showing him my appreciation for saving my little sister. You were the one screaming your head off about sleeping with him even if he was gay and wanting to have his babies."

"I", Lexi successfully picks the lock before she gets on her feet and opens the door. "-was just showing how much of a dedicated fan I am to him."

"Please," Adelle walks in first but is looking back towards her friend. "-we both know that he'd choose someone with a body like mine way before he'd even consider looking at you." She covers her nose after the next step. "Ugh, it stinks in here.

Lexi rolls her yellow eyes and shakes her head. "And when did you become an exp-" she looks passed her friend and her eyes instantly shrink as she takes a few steps backwards in absolute horror.

The deer looks at her friend questioningly before she looks in front of her. Green eyes widen and she covers her mouth, but it does nothing to keep her scream at bay. "Aaaaieeee!"

In front of them are liquor bottles scattered all over the floor and in the midst of them is the brown and blue raccoon tied to his ceiling fan by several belts. His eyes are open and dull as he's staring at the ground in front of him. Trails of blood are coming from his mouth and dripping onto his bloody chest where the shirt has been ripped open, but the most disturbing thing is his stomach. The flesh had been ripped open from his stomach and some of his entrails were hanging from it. Whether it's the small or large intestine, they're not sure. More blood is dripping from his stomach onto his pants which are hanging off his thighs, exposing his bloody groin. Blood continues to run down his body, soaking his pants and dripping onto the growing puddle of blood underneath him.

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