13. Reunion

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Warnings: This chapters contain sexual themes, dark themes, violence, and blood. Please be advised. Thank you

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Eggman's Base: 9:30 a.m.

Papers litter the desk, threatening to fall off the surface as more metal frames are thrown on the ground, their only purpose now is to become scrap. Along the experimental table is a deep gash made from the laser that was used to put Metal Sonic's frame back together, but the creation had refused to obey his creator's order and now is missing the shell to his right arm.

The scientist lets out an exasperated sigh as his sits himself down in his chair, the furniture rolling back a little from the force, and he covers his closed eyes with a hand. This is the third time this week he's been trying to work on his robot, yet the latter would abruptly get up from the table and walk to the window, just staring out of it in the same direction.

Eggman rubs the side of his head as he lets out a tired groan. "If you're going to be a nuisance," he opens his eyes and gets out of his chair.

Metal turns his head just the slightest to let his creator know he's listening but keeps his focus on the scenery out the window.

"-then you can stay in this room." The doctor turns and walks to the door, throwing his wrench over his shoulder. When he reaches the door, it opens but he just stands at the threshold for a moment. "When you're done with your attitude problem, you know where to find me."

The door slides close, and the main lights are shut off. Metal turns his head back to the window, giving the view his full attention. Even though he can't see it, he has his gaze in the direction that Acorn Kingdom is located, scanning for any signs of him.

Outside Acorn Kingdom: 9:40 a.m.

Fingers caress the soft, peach muzzle as red eyes drink in the green ones staring back. He's taking in every detail of the beautiful eyes: their gorgeous color, the way they glisten as they reflect the sunlight, the way they shake just the slightest as they're trying to contain their excitement knowing that he's here finally here.

Sonic is trying his hardest not to let himself tremble in front of his stalker. To say that he's scared is an understatement; he's absolutely terrified of the hedgehog and not because of the letters. No, they were more annoying than anything. Yes, some did actually scare him from the intensity of the words about killing his friends or just anyone in general, but they just mainly got on his nerves, especially when they came late at night or early morning or when they talked about doing it.

Sonic breaks his gaze from the other's as he closes his eyes and brings a hand up to softly grab the hand on his face. He doesn't dare do anything to set the psychopath off, especially since he reeks of blood. 'I can do this...'

Letting out a soft breath, Sonic opens his eyes only to see a flash of blood go in his vision, startling him. His breath gets caught in his throat as his lip starts to quiver.

The darker hedgehog brings his free hand up to the other cheek and softly caresses it with the back of his hand. "What's the matter, Love?"

It takes a few seconds for Sonic to calm down before his vision focuses, realizing that whatever he just seen wasn't happening. No, it was something he had already witnessed when he first crossed paths with this... this hedgehog.

Sonic brings his gaze back up to look into the bloody eyes. He desperately wants to turn around to see if his family is safe, but he can't chance them getting attacked by this psycho if he does. "N-nothing, just surprised that you got here... so soon."

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