03. Letters

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2 Days Later - Sonic's Room - 4:48 a.m.

Sonic turns over on his side before deciding to kick the covers off. It's too hot for him. The type of hot that's uncomfortable and tossing and turning don't really help but after taking the covers off you get slightly cold. It's just the type of night that no matter what you do, you can't win.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, he opens his eyes and sits up. He glances at the clock on his nightstand before covering his face with his right hand, letting out a groan.

A yawn escapes his mouth before he stretches his arms overhead. 'Might as well go for a quick jog.' He swings his legs over the bed but the moment his feet touch the floor does a red portal open and a letter flutters down, landing on his pillow.

Sonic close his eyes and brings both hand to his face, rubbing his temples. He does not want to deal with this stalker right now. He's tired, he's uncomfortable, and he just wants to get some fresh air to hopefully go back to sleep. Why does he have to deal with ... this?

Sonic reaches for the lamp and turns the light on before turning his attention to the letter. He closes his eyes and takes a breath, really not wanting to read it. 'Please, please, please~ just say that you're moving on from me. Please...'

Good morning my Love,

Sonic clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth in annoyance. 'Darn it.'

I hope you slept well.

Was I in your dreams? Were you thinking of pleasant things with me? Or they could be naughty things. You know I won't judge. I could never judge the things you do.

Oooh, I really hope it was naughty things.

'Of course you do.' Sonic shakes his head. He really doesn't want to finish this letter if it's going in that direction. Actually he'd rather not finish it at all, that direction or not.

Ha ha, ah, the thought of you thinking such things about me makes me so, mmm, wanting. So hot. Oooh, I might have to take care of a hard problem if this keeps up.

Sorry, I'm getting a little too carried away right now.

'No? Really? Whatever gave you that idea?' Green eyes roll before looking back at the paper.

I really wouldn't mind if you were thinking of nice things, like strolling in the park with me, holding hands. Having a picnic while feeding each other. Or maybe you would prefer running around. Oh, how about running through Emerald Hills backwards? Or even through Green Forest. I know you've been avoiding Green Hills lately; are you perhaps getting bored with it?

Sonic narrows his eyes at this part. 'I really hate that he knows where I enjoy running.'

Or if you prefer, we could explore Mystic Cave together, strolling in the dark, not knowing how well the ground will hold before it collapses.

Ah, doesn't it excite you?

'With you? Nope.'

I would say we could walk the streets of Metropolis or Station Square but both are far too crowded for my liking...



I could thin them out so we could enjoy just each other's companies without the "annoyance" of others.

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