10. First Part 02

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Warnings: This chapter contains language and sexual content.

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Crystal Cave – 7:09 p.m.

A low growl leaves Sonic's lips as he feels the elbow press the middle of his back, slowly rotating itself before a soft pop could be heard. It's then replaced with a hand pressing its way down. Fingers rub into his muscles, kneading out knots in the process before claws lightly graze the skin, sending more unwanted tingling throughout his body and he lets out another low growl.

'Drats!' Sonic shuts his eyes tighter and grits his teeth together, needing to make sure his breathing stays intact because the bastard behind him is trying to throw off his concentration. Especially when he presses his hand down against his lower back right above his tail and pinches the skin before it slowly makes its way up his spine again. The hand then goes down to his side, causing him to sharply suck in some air when he feels pressure right above his hip.

'He's been at this for hours now...' Sonic presses his forehead against the crystal slab he's restrained on. After being kidnapped, again, Mephiles had promptly dumped the blue hero into the crystal lit cavern, where last night's unfortunate event had happened. The instant Sonic had got to his feet to try and attack the deity he had been restrained by those cursed tentacles once more. Mephiles had then made the crystalized slab before forcing the hero to lie on his stomach and made sure he was properly secured to it. The elder hedgehog has been massaging him ever since.

Mephiles slowly runs his fingers back up the spine, adding more pressure to his fingertips. He leans his head down to the right ear, whispering in it, "Tell me," crystalized fingers reach the back quills, gently rubbing the base only to feel the body underneath him slightly shudder. "-how much longer can you keep this up?"

Sonic can feel the lips against the back of his ear as those blasted hands reach his shoulders, the fingers slightly digging into them as palms round them and another soft pop can be heard. The hands then run down his arms, adding more pressure than he would like but that's only to increase the blood flow. The hands continue their way down until they reach the restraints before slowly running back up his arm and unto his shoulders.

Mephiles presses his front against the blue back as he moves a hand to the left side, running his fingers across the oblique muscles only to feel the younger take in another sharp breath. He's tempted to bite down on the ear in front of him, just to get a different reaction. Instead, he moves his lips to the front of the ear as he presses against the side again, feeling the younger trying to stop himself from reacting too much.

A blue ear twitches when warm breath makes its way in. "Oh, still refusing to speak, I see..."

Teeth bite down on the tongue as Sonic feels a hand go under him, reaching his stomach and slowly making its way upwards as the other digs its palm into his back. He feels the other lift himself off his back only for the hand to go up to his shoulder. The hand on his front reaches his chest but abruptly goes back down to his stomach, holding him as the one on his shoulder tightens its grip and quickly pulls him up. It takes Sonic a second to realize that he's now in a sitting position with legs on either side of him...? He slightly turns his head to see the dark entity behind him, pulling him close before he lowers his head and bites his inner lip. The hand that was just on his shoulder has moved to his chest; the fingers are grazing his nipple as the hand on his stomach run down his outer thigh, reaching his knee before going back up.

'Just focus on b-breathing... I just need to breathe and ignore him...!' Sonic leans his head forward some as he's trying to focus, but it's so hard for him to do that. Although he refuses to admit it but the massage he was getting earlier felt good, like really good. He knew he's been tense because of everything that's been happening lately, so this was a good thing that happened but after a while, he felt his body starting to get warmer the more the jerk touched him. And the really weird thing is that he's been getting hotter as time went on even though Mephiles' touch is ice cold. Even now, his fingers are freezing on his body, yet these touches are making him hotter. That's why he can't trust himself to threaten or make any comments at the other right now because he's pretty sure it'll come out as something different; it'll most likely be that stupid sound that he doesn't like.

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