40. Rest Pt. 03

333 8 107

Warnings: This chapter contains language.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Babylon Rogues' Ship – 5:52 a.m.

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All eyes turn to the magenta gem and just stare at it. To think that this thing is what caused the whack job of a doctor and some masked freak to take control of Mobius three years ago.

"What are we gonna do with it, boss?" Storm asks, reaching a hand to touch it only for Wave to slap his hand away from it.

"Don't touch it." She scolds him. "Who knows what would happen if you did. We don't know what this thing can do."

"I mean, it did almost cause the end of the world..." Jet mumbles under his breath as he kicks his feet on top of his desk.

Wave's right eye twitches as she turns back to the younger. "What'dya say?"

Jet meets the swallow's gaze and raises his voice. "I said, IT DID ALMOST CAUSE THE END OF THE WORLD."

"Why you little-"

"Hold it Wave, he just answered your question is all." Storm grabs her from behind to holds her down before she can try to jump over the table.

Wave just huffs with an anime tick mark throbbing on the side of her head. "So, what are we gonna do with it?"

Jet closes his eyes and tilts his head to the side, trying to think of something. They can't leave such a dangerous item in their possession...

"What about the black market?"

Both Jet and Wave look at the albatross wide-eyed, like he just grew a second head.

"Are you crazy?" Wave gets out of his grip and points a finger at him. "Who knows what they would do with something so powerful." She turns back to Jet. "I say we toss it and let it sink in the ocean, far away from dangerous people."

"But if we sold it, we could make some money." Storm argues back.

"Not all money is good money-"

"You take those words back." Jet abruptly stands up, knocking his chair over in the process. "Money is money and I think you forget that we steal from others."

"Ugh," Wave sighs and rubs her eyes. 'These morons...' After she takes a breath, she turns back to the younger. "What I'm saying is that the Black Market should not be an option for us. I know we're thieves. Everyone knows we're thieves, Jet, but doing business with an organization like that would cause us more problems. Do you really think they'll just let us walk out with how ever much money if they get their hands on that thing?"

'Hmm, she has a point.' They tried to do business with the Black Market once a few years ago but that didn't end well for the other person. The moment the birds had turned around to walk away their associate had pulled a gun on them, ready to double cross them and they retaliated. Since then, they stayed clear of anything to do with that organization, but that stupid gem would fetch them a pretty penny if anything....

"Nghn..." Jet scratches his head in annoyance, finally coming to a conclusion. Oh, anything else would probably be better but for the sake of his sanity and freedom and money he's going to do it. 'The Black Market can go suck rotten eggs and the fat man ain't getting a hold of it.'

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