06 Crystal Cavern Part 3

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Warning: This chapter contains language and sexual themes. Please be advised. Thank you.

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??? - 3:24 a.m.

The back of a hand reaches towards a cracked mirror with some shards sticking outwards. Once it reaches the surface, it starts to stroke the glass, ignoring the shards threatening to cut the fabric of already torn gloves.

The owner continues to stroke the glass as he sees Sonic's sleeping image reflect on the other side, causing him to chuckle. The chuckle comes out low before gradually growing louder. As a few more seconds pass it grows to a hysterical laughter as shards of the glass start to cut the back of the hand, but the owner doesn't even acknowledge it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Ah, Sonic..." he brings his hand back to him while he leans his forehead against the glass, staring at the blue hedgehog.

"-if you don't wake up soon," he tilts his head to the side as he finally looks down at his hand, seeing little spots of blood on his ripped glove, making his grin widen. "-then I'll have no choice but to take control..."

"After all,"  he looks back up at the image with a crazed delight in his eyes, "-seven years is a long time to be forgotten about."

Crystal Cavern - 3:33 a.m.

Mephiles turns the page of his book before he continues reading. He's quite impressed that this book had caught his attention for so long. Although he could care less about this planet or its inhabitants, he'd rather have more knowledge about it than be ignorant, especially if he's going to tame his pet. He would hate to take his pet out for a walk and have the blue one run away in the wild while he himself didn't know about the terrain at the very least. Or have Sonic lose him in one of the grand cities at most. Sure, Mephiles could always level the area and return his pet to him, but he'd rather just avoid the trouble altogether.

Speaking of, he feels the younger shift a bit in his arms, causing Mephiles to look down at him: Sonic has his right cheek resting on the elder's shoulder. He can feel the younger's breath lightly hit his collar bone with each exhale. His left arm is draped over Mephiles' right shoulder but is starting to slip off. A small chuckle leaves the elder's lips as he brings the arm back up, allowing the hand to just dangle off him. Sonic is slightly hunched over but Mephiles can feel the warmth emitting from the peach torso towards his own even though their fronts are not touching and the younger is sitting on his lap with both legs on either side of him.

A rather new predicament for either of them to be in but they'll just have to make do. Afterall, the last book he read said that new pets must be close to their master's in order to trust and obey them.

Mephiles returns his gaze to the book, reading the geography of the land and the history of it. He wraps his left arm around the younger's back to keep him from sliding down.

A crick starts to form in Sonic's neck, making him let out a soft groan. 'Why am I sleeping on a rock...' he questions as his eyes flutter open only to see pale blue and deep purple? Or maybe black. He can't tell, he's too tired. He lets his eyes close once more and scoots closer on his uncomfortably cold bed. 'Right, I'm in a cave...' He starts to doze off when all of the sudden he feels the rock on his back push him forward some more before his chest is flushed against something hard and fuzzy?

Green eyes snap open to see pale blue and almost black again but this time he lets his eyes focus enough to allow him to see properly. "What the?"

Sonic pushes himself backwards but is stopped when the hand on his back pushes him against the chest, keeping him in place. "Let go!"

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