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Acorn Kingdom - 7:23 p.m.

The sun is a warm orange, just hovering over the horizon, turning the clouds pink and purple with its soft glow. A warm breeze sweeps over the land, just enough to ruffle the leaves on the tree branches without them falling off. The only sound that can be heard other than the rustling of leaves are footsteps breaking twigs underfoot as the person finally reaches his destination. A small smile appears on the peach muzzle as he continues his way to his hometown.

Sonic takes a deep breath walking around town in Acorn Kingdom, more exhausted than he should be. It's not so much from the fight with Metal earlier, or even from the harassment he's had to deal with from that drunk guy. No, this has been an ongoing problem for a while now. It's the reason he can't stay here for more than two days-


Sonic turns around and sees a kid holding a ball that had crashed into him. He lets out a chuckle before facing the young goat. "You okay?"

The brown goat turns his head upwards and blinks before fulling turning around. His eyes go wide with excitement as he clenches the ball. "Sonic!"

"Wow, it's him! He's back!" the other boy says as he runs up to his friend, both of them standing in front of the hero.

Sonic holds out his hand. "Can I?"

The kid nods his head and gives his ball to Sonic who throws it up into the air. It lands on his finger and he balances it before making it spin.


"Yeah," Sonic flashes them a grin, "-I'm back." He throws the ball in the air and lets it land. He dribbles it with his feet a few times before he kicks it upwards. He then juggles it with his knees before sending it back to the boys.

"That was so cool Sonic!"

"Yeah, you gotta teach me how to do that!"

The hero dusts his leg off a bit before looking back at the youth, noticing he's drawn a crowd with his short performance. "Maybe next time."

"Alright! We get to learn from Sonic!"

"Yeah, he's gonna teach us some cool tricks!"

Both boys turn to leave, which Sonic does the same, or at least tries to before he sees his path blocked by the onlookers.

"Mr. Sonic?"

He turns to find the soft voice before a smile goes on his face. "Cream? What are you doing here?"

Said rabbit runs up to him and gives him a hug, which Sonic gladly returns. "You've gotten so big now. What are you, 15?" he jokes.

Cream just laughs before she shakes her head. "Haha, no. You know I'm 10, Mr. Sonic. You came to my birthday party, remember?"

Sonic pulls back from the embrace as smiles go on the onlookers faces. Even if Sonic is carefree and tends to get into trouble, it's always a sight to see him make time for the youth. Sonic was always a good role model for the kids, making sure that they did the right thing and he always made it fun too.

"How could I forget? Vanilla made the best cake! Cookies too! And you," he puts his hand on top of her head, "-you really outdid yourself on the cupcakes. They were really good. I couldn't stop eating them," he pats his stomach a few times for emphasis.

Cream chuckles. "I remember Amy and Tails had to, um," she places her forefinger on her chin, trying to find the right word, "-drag you away from the table because you wouldn't stop eating."

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