39. Showtime - Part 02

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Warnings: This chapter will be graphic and contains language, violence, blood, sexual themes, sexual content, and adult themes.

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Genocide City - 11:56 p.m.

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* G R A P H I C . S C E N E - *
Please skip to the next asterisk if you don't want to read.

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"Mmn~" The delighted sound leaves the pale mouth. He knew his Love would feel delicious, but Exe had no idea that the body would feel this good. Had he have known then he would have made love to this Sonic months ago. The way the orifice had just torn open from the harsh thrust. The thin drops of blood on his still growing erection, how fucking tight the anal walls are practically strangling his member. And that scream, that blood curdling scream he received. Oh, it's been too long since he last heard a scream that loud. The pitch from the scream that would hurt most ears but is just music to his.

Green eyes are wide opened, and Sonic is visible trembling but trying to stop himself is the last thing on his mind. His hands want to clench shut but they only make the chains rattle loudly from how badly they tremble. His breathing is fast and erratic as he's trying to figure out what just happened to his body, why he's in such excruciating pain. It only dawns on him when he feels something large start to pull out of his backside that he's being-

A clawed hand tightly grabs the peach jaw, the claws dig under the skin and just scratch the surface of the bones, and Exe pulls the blue head backwards. He gives a slow, long lick against the cheek as he finally pulls himself out most of the way, just leaving the tip in. "Why hadn't we,"

Sonic tries to glance to the side only to close his eyes tight and lets out another scream as he feels that thing force his muscles to spread apart and rams itself in him. He can't tell if the pain is burning or searing, or sharp, or what. He just knows that it hurts, that no other type of pain he's felt before could ever compare to this.

Another delighted sigh leaves Exe and he leans his cheek against the peach one, feeling the bleeding, warm walls embracing his member. His claws slowly scratch down the peach jaw, leaving welts on that beautiful face. When the hand reaches the throat, it gives it a light squeeze. Well, maybe not as light as he thought since some choking could be heard. A small chuckle leaves the pale mouth, and he kisses the peach cheek as an apology, releasing the throat afterwards. "-done this,"

Sonic wants to focus on trying to pry himself from the other's grasp, but that pain is too much for him. He doesn't have a problem with screaming out. The problem he has is forcing himself not to tell the stalker to take it out and stop. He knows if he says that then the stalker would not only continue, but that stupid octopus jerk would be killed too. That's the only reason he's not fighting back, despite the unbearable pain he's feeling; it's to make sure that jerk stays alive.

"-six months ago~" Exe vaguely knows that his Love won't be able to answer as he slowly pulls out, feeling every inch of that wonderful, warm canal and earning a hushed whimper. Oh, they just barely started, and he already loves this, Exe loves the feeling of being inside of Sonic. This night can only get better for him.

The member fully pulls out of the body, thin lines of red coating it. The clawed hand that was grabbing onto the blue hips now moves down to grip one side of the butt, spreading the cheek open. Exe moves his face from Sonic's and he looks down, making sure that he's properly aligned before he abruptly slams himself back in that inviting deliciousness. He rips another scream out of Sonic as he lets out a soft moan. The hand on the throat leaves and grabs the other cheek, spreading it open before the member pulls out halfway only to shove itself back in and Exe hums in delight when he feels his pelvis slam into the blue bottom.

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