28. Countdown Pt. 3

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Warnings: This chapter contains language, violence and mild blood.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Outskirts of Acorn Kingdom - 3:00 p.m.

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A dry wind blows across the land, ruffling hair, fur, and clothes alike as all eyes look at the black and white canine. Some are looking at him surprised, completely shocked at finding out who he really is while others are angry about the fact. They had never heard of what happened to him after his defeat and for weeks there had been search-parties looking for him, needing to detain him for his crimes but they never had any leads on where to even start looking and no one knew anything about his origin to see if he had gone back to wherever he came from.

Blue ears lower slightly as Sonic sees the looks Zero is getting. He can understand why but three years passed. It shouldn't be this bad, should it? 'I mean, I was more confused when I first saw him than anything. Why haven't they let bygones be bygones? It's not any different than when Eggman tries to take over. Everyone acts the same whenever the doc comes around so why is Zero getting this treatment?'

Sonic takes a step-in front of Zero, trying to calm the group down. "Guys, look, he's not bad-"

"Sonic, get away from that monster!" Bernadette fusses at her son. She doesn't know why he's so close to him. He can easily stab Sonic in the back, in fact, he may actually just do that if Sonic is too close.

"What do you mean, 'he's not bad'?! He helped Eggman take over the world!" Amy adds in. Eggman's plan was nearly successful because of Infinite. How could Sonic possibly try to defend him? "He almost killed you!"

"Have you forgotten what he did?! How many lives he's taken?!" Khan thinks back, remembering how his kingdom was finally formed with the allied forces only for Doctor Eggman and Infinite to come and destroy what they had been working on, the unity of the people in the Dragon Kingdom.

"Sonic, he's made so many orphans and widows!" Sally continues, needing to make sure Sonic gets this through his head. "Don't you know all of the trauma he's caused?! How many lives he's ruined?!"

Blue ears lay flat on the hero's head as he just stares at his friends. He honestly didn't know they'd react this way.

When he was held prisoner on the Death Egg he knew they been fighting hard battles constantly but he never took the civilians into account, the ones who couldn't fight back, the ones who depended on him and his friends for their safety.

Even so, that was Infinite, not the jackal behind him. Zero has done nothing wrong and no one should fault him for crimes he didn't do.


Said hedgehog turns to his right to see Knuckles a few feet away, his arms crossed over his chest, looking disappointed and even a little... hurt?

"-you knew who he was the day we ran in to each other, didn't you...?" Knuckles is upset. He would never have tried to become friends with the jackal had he known who he was but he's also confused because if Sonic knew who he was then why did he look so happy despite what he went through? He's also hurt because he really thought of Zero as a friend...

Sonic turns to look back at Zero, only to see him turn around and start to walk away. Instantly does Sonic grab his wrist. He doesn't want Zero to leave this way, not without them seeing that he's not who they think he is. 'That's gonna be easier said than done though...'

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