37. Countdown Pt. 04

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Warnings: This chapter contains language, mild blood, and mild sexual themes.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Angel Island - Base of Altar - 7:06 p.m.

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Black and yellow eyes look to the side, refusing to watch such a disturbing display of... consumption. "Forgive me. I did not realize you were in the middle of dining."

Fangs rips flesh apart before Exe chews on the raw meat. Ligaments and tendons hang from the severed torso of a sheep Mobian where the arm connects to. Blood drips onto the stone ground leading to the Master Emerald, desecrating the sacred altar.

Exe swallows the meat before he sucks on his left fang, trying to get a piece caught in between his teeth before he looks back at the body, specifically the breast. "Sheep are supposed to have milk, right?" He rips the shirt off the corpse and squeezes the teat, seeing if it will produce any milk. After a few failed attempts he just shrugs and rips the breast off the body. "Guess she was a bad bunch in the heard."

Finetivus keeps his gaze averted elsewhere and covers his nose. He's used to the smell of blood but witnessing someone feast like this... He shouldn't be surprised that this creature is a cannibal. The way that he gnashes on the flesh to rip it apart is appalling but it shows just how much this creature truly does not care for anyone's life.

When the hedgehog had returned the girl was still alive; was being the operative word. He had made a mockery to the Master Emerald and sacrificed the sheep to it, despite Tikal's protest. The only good thing is that he didn't spill any blood on the sacred gem. Even if Finetivus has betrayed his tribe to live his own life as he wants, he still has enough pride to want to keep the Master Emerald safe, to a degree at least. If anything should happen to the Master Emerald then it's because of his own doing, not some non-echidna filth.

"So," Exe takes a bite out of the breast in his hand, really disappointed there's no milk to go with his meal, "-what'd ya find? I hope it's important for your sake." He pops the rest of the mound in his mouth before he reaches into the now opened torso, pulling out a lung to feast on it next.

Finetivus needs to word this carefully. He needs to tell this creature that the Black Market has gotten a hold of Sonic, but he doesn't want to risk Chaos' life. No, both Chaos and Tikal with be a use to him when Knuckles becomes Enerjak. 'He's making me appreciate my heritage once again...' Finetivus frowns at the thought. He liked it better when he didn't have a conscience about his people, but he'll worry about that another time. "I have received word from the Black Market."

Exe stops mid bite and looks intently at the black and yellow eyes. He tilts his head to the side and drops his meal on the ground, letting more blood pool underneath the body. "And?"

"They have Sonic." The tone in Finetivus' voice is completely deadpanned. He doesn't want to give any information away about Chaos being restored to his original state or that he was the one who called the Black Market in the first place.

A clawed thumb wipes the back of his lips as Exe just stares at the white echidna. "What of that little god?"

"Presumably still after Sonic though I don't know if he and the god Solaris have encountered each other yet or not."

A blue eyebrow raises. "You're telling me that demi-god bitch who took my Love away from me had just given Sonic to the Black Market?"

Finetivus narrows his eyes slightly as he looks back to the hedgehog. He needs to be firm and not point a finger at anyone in general. "I'm saying that the Black Market has Sonic. How it happened, I do not know."

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