07. Talk Part 1

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Warning: This chapter contains language. Please be advised. Thank you.

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G.U.N. H.Q. – 9:56 a.m.

"How could you let it slip through your fingers like that? You're supposed to be the best of the best yet you couldn't find what we were looking for?!" Commander Tower bellows in his office as he slams his hand down on his desk, making papers scatter off the desk.

Rouge straightens her back and sternly looks up at the man in front of her. He may intimidate everyone else but she's not afraid of him. "You weren't there! You have no idea of the situation-"

"Which is because you failed! You had one job; locate the unknown energy source and report back! That was it!"

"How could we report back if we couldn't get a signal?" Rouge asks, standing her ground. No way is this their fault. The circumstance changed and there was nothing any of them could do.

"No excuses, agent!"

Sonic just stays quiet in the room, looking between the human and Rouge as they go back and forth before glancing at the side to see Shadow leaning against the door with his eyes closed, ready to leave at a moment's notice. Anyone could tell that the dark hedgehog was irritated with this but at the same time, he looks like he's completely used to it. Maybe that's a good thing? At the very least, he's not threatening to kill anyone.

Somehow, Sonic feels like this is his fault. If he had taken a different path then they wouldn't have fallen, none of the equipment would've broke, none of them would've been injured, and he wouldn't have been-

"Now because of your mistake," Tower looks from Rouge to Shadow, and then to Sonic, "-our lead to that energy is gone. We have no way of knowing what it is or what it's capable of-"

"We know what it is." Shadow speaks up. He's ready to just leave, go home, and just sleep this whole thing off. Especially, when he found Sonic. He can do without ever seeing that play in his mind again.

"Shadow?" Rouge quickly turns to her partner. She has no idea what he's talking about. After he came back with Sonic over his shoulder, he just said that he found the energy but it disappeared. Nothing else.

Commander Tower narrows his eyes at the dark agent. "If so, then why hadn't you said anything sooner, agent?"

Shadow ignores the looks he's getting from Rouge and Sonic as he just stares deadpan at Tower. "I'd rather not remember who it was coming from."

"Who?" Rouge questions. Shadow never said anything to her about seeing anyone else. "What do you mean who?"

Sonic slowly averts his eyes from the group to the window, trying not to remember what happened earlier. Why was he so interested in him? They literally have never spoken a word to each other before. Heck, he never even seen him when Mephiles killed him, so what was his deal back there?

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Agent Shadow, I asked where the energy source was coming from."

Shadow just continues to stare at the man. "Do you remember the incident that happened in Soleanna three years ago?"

Commander Tower raises an eyebrow. "With Princess Elise?"

Shadow shakes his head, glancing at the blue hero before looking back at the commander. "No, when he," he nods his head towards Sonic, "-was killed."

Everyone in the room turns to look at Sonic, who just takes a breath and slowly turns his attention back towards the room. He sees the commander studying him before turning to Rouge, watching her trying to figure it out before her eyes widen at the realization.

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