24. Home Pt. 03

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Warnings: This chapter contains language, mild fluff, and mild blood.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Acorn Kingdom: Café – 10:37 a.m.

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Another round of coffee is poured into Shadow's mug before the waitress offers some to Rouge, who just waves her away. Once the waitress is gone does Rouge lean back in. She needs to know more about this creep and why the hell he's so fascinated with Sonic to the point that he'll willingly destroy their universe.

"Shadow, this makes no sense. How can someone be that powerful to just obliterate an entire universe? Clearly this is just a punk who's trying to scare Sonic, right? I mean, there's no way anyone can just do that."

The ebony hedgehog just takes a sip of his coffee. "Trust me, I know where you're coming from but don't forget that Solaris was able to eat dimensions for breakfast-"

"Yeah, but Solaris is a god. You can't kill a god, well, not easily at least." She pokes at her strawberry crepe before raising an eyebrow. "Are you saying that this creep is a god?"

Shadow covers his mouth and looks to the side, thinking. 'The bastard makes it seem as though he can go into different dimensions, plus he can create portals to send things through. Even so, any genius can do the same thing if they try hard enough.'

"Shadow?" The bat waves her hand in front of his face, trying to get his attention.

Said hedgehog only shakes his head. "I don't know if he is, Rouge, I just know that he's a murderer."

A fork angrily stabs the defenseless crepe as Rouge scowls and looks to the side. "Yeah, don't remind me. The asshole sent a head to us. What kind of sick person does that?"

Red eyes just stare at the white bat, holding back a roll. "Rouge, he's a murderer. A sick, twisted, murderer. It doesn't surprise me that he sent a head to get his point across."

Teal eyes roll before Rouge looks back at Shadow, only to see him have a questioning look on his face. "What's on your mind, hun?"

"He let Sonic know that he murders and that he wouldn't hesitate to kill any one of Sonic's friends, but what I don't get is the again part."

"Again? What do you mean?" Rouge finally picks up a piece of her crepe to eat it.

Shadow reaches for his mug, but doesn't pick it up. He only tightens his grip on the handle. "In a few of the letters threatening Sonic, he mentions that he'll kill his friends in front of Sonic again if he doesn't do as he says, but the thing is, no one here has died and even if someone did, we would all know about it. From what everyone told us, the bastard had only come here the one time."

Rouge slowly chews her food as she takes in Shadow's words. 'He's threatening to kill Sonic's friends again but no one has died. If someone died then Sonic wouldn't keep it a secret and we would know and he's been after Sonic for six months now.'

Once she swallows her food does she ask her partner a question. "Shadow, do we know if Sonic went to his universe before? Or a different one? That's the only way Sonic would be able to see if his friends died: if they were a different version of us."

"Nothing in the letters mentioned that," Shadow takes another drink of his coffee. "-but that very well may be the case and if it is the case then the question is how? How'd he end up somewhere else?"

Unfortunately neither agent is able to continue their ponderings as both of their earpieces go off.

"Team Dark, do you come in Team Dark? We need immediate response. Do you copy?"

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