32. Birthday Pt. 03

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Warnings: This chapter contains language, violence, and (*) some sexual themes.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Last Night - Seaside Hill - 7:15 p.m.

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Water lightly brushes against the shore before rolling back out into the ocean as a pod of orca can be seen playing with one another. The sun is now just starting to set for the summer night as a heavy yellow and green object drags across the sand, covering the footprints. The sea breeze lightly caresses the apricot muzzle as a small smile goes across the mobian's face and she continues to hum a tune.

"Scourgy-wourgy, I miss you~
Scourgy-wourgy, I need you~
Scourgy-wourgy, where are you at?
Don't you worry, I don't have a bat~

Scourgy-wourgy, let me see your face~
I wanna smash, and crash, and cover it in lace~
Scourgy-wourgy, where are you~"

A gust of wind passes her in the next second but she's able to catch a glimpse of the blue and peach face before it completely disappears from her vision. Seeing him only makes her smile turn into a sinister grin before she continues her song.

"Oh lookie there, it's a hedgie blue~
Cutie hedgie blue, where are you off too?
Will you take me to my Scourgy-wourgy boo?
Scourgy-wourgy, don't you know it true?
Scourgy-wourgy. I. Miss. YOU~"

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Present - Acorn Kingdom - Hospital - 9:00 a.m.

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"...are you sure? You have no idea who done this?" Bunnie looks back at the hospital bed to see the lanky guy unconscious with an oxygen mask over his bandaged face, more bandages are covering his torso, and his right arm is in a sling. She had gotten the news a little bit ago and temporarily closed her shop to help bring Zeena and Zavok over.

"I'm sorry," Doctor Quack shakes his head, "-but when Charles and Jules came, they said they found him on the outskirts of the kingdom like this.

Bunnie turns to look at Zavok with a sympathetic expression. "I am so sorry hun. I don't know who in the world would do such a thing to your brother."

A purple eye twitches at that but the Zeti remains calm. "He will be fine. Rest is all he needs."

Zeena looks from the group to the brawler and a small smile goes on her face before she mumbles "Serve you right for going off on your own..."

"Go, Bunnie. Your shop should not have to be closed for our sake." The red one looks back over towards Zazz and narrows his eyes slightly. Not too many would be able to beat him into submission like this.

"Are you sure? I can stay to support ya'll an' everything-"

Zeena takes a seat at the foot of the bed, ignoring the duck's orders for her to sit in a chair instead. "Nah, don't worry. We'll take care of him." She points a thumb over her shoulder.

A skeptical look goes on Bunnie's face before she ends up leaving the room, with the doctor following behind her, mumbling how no one ever listens to him.

Zeena waits a moment, making sure everyone is out of hearing range before she turns to look at Zazz, laughing. "Hahahaha, I wish I was there to see whoever did this to you."

Purple eyes narrow at the woman before Zavok ignores her completely. Grabbing the pink face, the leader leans over him wanting to inspect the injuries when a rather familiar scent grabs his attention.

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