Chapter 36

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Jeonghan stared at the ugly sight of the females trying to flirt with his alpha. Although he knew he didn't need to worry because the man was a fool for him, that didn't mean he finds the random horny females trying to get his alpha's attention pleasing. Especially since Seungcheol trimmed down his hair to reveal his pretty ears, the regular customers of the café started gushing over him.

It was not as if he could mark that alpha to ward off those ladies because, well, most if not some of them were betas, and some of them were old ladies and school children. And they were just admiring him from afar because his boyfriend just had that oppa-next-door vibe so he really had nothing to be jealous about. In fact, even if that one shameless, persistent omega came in, he could pay no mind at all. Because all her interaction with Seungcheol was in front of him, and his alpha lets him check his messages when he gets curious.

Speak of the devil, she just entered.

Owh and look, very predictably, she went straight to his boyfriend.

Rolling his eyes, Jeonghan made sure that the seats beside him were filled with his bag and books, and got back to working on his assignment. He was not curious about what she was telling Seungcheol, he could tell from the previous ones that she was trying to portray herself as a mere friend by talking about random things and gossiping.

The vibration of his phone caught the young omega's attention, and he looked to see a message coming from Nayoung, the classmate he had been getting close to. She was notifying him about the upcoming dorm fellow meeting where they would be discussing some events to be held for spring of next year, after orientation.

Knowing how active Nayoung was, Jeonghan randomly mentioned about the movie night to her and unsurprisingly, she told him that she was one of the committee members. Jeonghan even remembered thinking that she was going places, and how her extracurricular activities seem to coincide with his interest. And with that, they started talking more and right now, he was trying to see if he was interested in joining it as well.

Because, well, Seungcheol was not wrong when he said Jeonghan had too much free time that his thoughts get to him more frequently. Escaping those thoughts was what made him go to clubs as distraction, and now that he refused to continue doing so, he had to find other things to do.

Suggesting his classmate to come by the café if she had the time to talk about their proposal for a new event, Nayoung agreed and Jeonghan put down his phone. Now excited. He looked over at his alpha who was tending the cash register, and looking at his own empty glass, decided to go buy something else for himself.

'Another latte?' Seungcheol teased as soon as he saw Jeonghan coming towards him. Smiling sheepishly, the omega picked one of the roll cakes and a fruit drink instead, just to prove Seungcheol wrong. The alpha pretended his sad face for guessing wrong, satisfying the playful omega.

'Nayoung's coming.' He reported, just because. Seungcheol looked at him curiously, wanting him to continue as he clicked on the register. Despite wanting to talk, he was still on the clock and there were still a few customers waiting so he proceeds with his task. Jeonghan understood that too, having been here every day Seungcheol had his shifts since a few months ago, hence why he ordered a cake as well instead of a simple drink.

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