Chapter 17

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Where was he? This was obviously not the usual hotel he would wake up in, the room looks cheap. Even the bed-

Ahh. Yeah.


He was in Geojae. With Seungcheol's family.

He cried in front of the mother who obviously hates him. He must have been very pathetic. God, this was so humiliating. He knew coming here was a bad choice. Why in the world did he do it anyway? Well, served him right to even dare to dream of experiencing something he never deserve. Lesson learnt. He should go back to Seoul and live his life like he had been doing for the past five, six years – keeping his relationships shallow and meaningless.

Jeonghan looked outside through the window. It was already dusk; the sky was dyed with orange. The last ferry was five as he recalled, so going back tonight was not a choice. He should sleep the rest of the day off, get up early in the morning and leave. He swore he saw a bus stop on the way to the house. Hopefully the first bus is around 5 a.m., because he would not want to stumble upon the others on his way back. But, even if it isn't, he would go out early anyway. Maybe walk around, anywhere but here would be nice.

'You're awake?' Jeonghan cursed himself as he heard the familiar voice calling out to him. He could close his eyes and pretend to be asleep, but that would be more humiliating. He should pretend everything was okay, and endure this, like he usually would. He does it all the time, this should not be any different. 'Yeah...'

'Hungry?' Jeonghan looked at the bedside clock signifying it was already past six. Which meant he had been sleeping for at least an hour, depending on when he lost consciousness. He could hear the others talking outside, and smell the lovely scent of homemade cooking, almost making him drool. But, he didn't want to have to go out and face them. He would rather starve.

'Uhn?' he lifted his head as he felt Seungcheol's hand on his shoulder. The alpha gave him his sweet smile, showing his dimple before suggesting, 'Wanna go out for a breather?'

A breather? That sounds good. He needed a breather. He needed to get away. He needed space.

He needed to be away from these people.

He needed to be...


Like always.

'Sure.' He answered softly, his voice hoarse. Biting his lower lip, Jeonghan got out of the bed, all ready to go out.

'It's almost sunset. We can view it not far from the house.' Seungcheol explained, offering his hand which the omega chose to ignore. 'If we wait a bit more, we'll get to see stars.'

Jeonghan nodded, not actually caring about what was said. He just wanted to be out there, in the wide outdoor, 'There's no streetlight so we need to be careful.'


'If you get lost you might end up in a drain.'

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