Chapter 33

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Looking out the window, seeing the kimchi restaurant lady making her way back to her restaurant after conversing with Mrs. Choi, Jeonghan leaned back against the chair and let his head fall on the desk. It had been almost a week and he was already feeling better but the family didn't let him return to his dorm room until the bruises heal. Well, they were healing, and now there were only red marks. Only scabs were left on his lips and around his eyes, they didn't hurt.

Jeonghan didn't know why they were making such a big deal out of what happened.

Such a weird bunch, the Chois.

His phone buzzed and Jeonghan looked to see a message from Nayeon, a girl from the singing club with whom he shares most his classes. She sent him a picture of her notes and the assignments for the day, like she had been doing for the past few days. Joshua told him about the note she left in his room, offering to escort him to and from his classes when the news about his attack broke out. Apparently, a few other acquaintances did the same thing, but he didn't know because he hadn't been back since.

They were weird too, offering to go so far for a stranger. If it were him, he couldn't care less.

Typing the usual thanks, Jeonghan got to his laptop and started on his assignment. He tried to search for the free copy of the book online, since he didn't bring his from his room, but decided to use the chance to go out instead; this has got to be the longest he had been without going out. There should be a library here he can go to.

Owh, but he needs a library card. Seungcheol must have it.

Looking around the desk, he pulled out the drawers one by one with no luck. He did saw a few doodles Seungcheol made during his student life, which were amusing. Laughing to himself, he closed the drawers and stared at the picture of small Choi Seungcheol smiling at him on the desk.

The alpha had always been pretty, his eyes big and bright since birth. Such a cute boy.

Suddenly interested in all the alpha's 'masterpieces', Jeonghan glanced around to and grabbed one of his old textbooks from high school. If Seungcheol was like any normal students, he would have drawn some things in his books out of boredom. And knowing how passionate his frie-, his lov-, Seungcheol is about Physics and Mathematics, Jeonghan chose the history book to be his first attempt.

'Pffttt...' Indeed, there were a lot of doodles on the historical figures' faces. Seungcheol even wrote some interesting dialogues. His handwriting... really bad. Smiling to himself, he brought the book as he flopped on the bed, just imagining how bored the alpha must have been to have written so much. He wondered if the guy even passed his History exams, or how well he did as a student. Jeonghan himself is a really good one, even acing all his science subjects despite his passion in literature. Seungcheol looks like he would struggle. Not that, he was looking down on the male. He just thought with all the extra activities the alpha were doing, he might have less focus in his studies.

Finally done flipping the book, Jeonghan was about to put it back in its place before the noticing the back. A new handwriting was on the back cover along with two stick figures, behind them a picture of a house and a dog.

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