Chapter 13

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'Wanna try shooting?' Seungcheol asked as he bounced the basketball on the ground, urging Jeonghan to play with him. They were alone in the middle of the hot day when everybody else would rather stay indoors. Looking at the sweaty pale man and the empty court, the young omega considered his invitation. He never liked such sports, preferring track and field where he could feel the air in his face instead of pushing and colliding with each other for balls. But, he was here anyway, and the alpha was really eager, so maybe this could be fun. Putting his notebook down, Jeonghan took the ball from the Seungcheol, enjoying his scent as they passed each other.

God, he smelled so mesmerizing.

'Nope!' Seungcheol laughed at his pathetic attempt to throw the ball into the hoop, and another one. Each time envisioning how satisfied he would feel when he finally scored one, Jeonghan tried so hard to ignore the excited guy. Well, he tried to, but it got to a point where it became frustrating as the ball kept hitting everywhere but the net, and Seungcheol did nothing but went to fetch it for him. And laugh. And clap.

Where was the touching? Where was the blocking or whatnot that he usually saw in the movies? That was the only reason why he was here in the first place – the skinship. Of course, getting to see the man in sleeveless sweating like crazy was damn sexy but that was just a bonus. He needed the touch. Why wasn't Seungcheol trying to grab the ball from him even when he asked the man to demonstrate? Because he was ready to fight for it and do that thing they always do in the videos.

Seriously, this alpha couldn't be more oblivious.

'I give up.' Jeonghan whined as he made his way back to his seat on the ground. Behind him, Seungcheol only laughed his dumb laugh, not reading the atmosphere. Lying down on the ground, using his notebook to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight, he noticed the other's scent near him. And it stopped. The man took his own spot beside Jeonghan and laid down as well, doing the same action with his hand. 'I still don't get it.'

'Maybe if you can shoot one, then you would.'

'Maybe if you stop laughing and teach me, I would know how.' He retorted back, venting his irritation. He just need to spell everything out with this guy. It kind of hurt his ego. And damn he smell good. Why the heck did he get so worked up for? He was just jumping around and throwing the stupid ball anyways.

'I did! Didn't you hear me at all?' Jeonghan rolled his eyes and turn to his side before getting up. He was obviously not going to get what he wanted from this guy, not anytime soon. And owh, he was getting desperate. Heck, he would settle for a mere touch. No, even the thought of the alpha's touch was enough to turn him on. And ever since that night a few days ago, his dominating scent was all he could think about before he went to sleep.

Imagining how he would wanted to drown himself in it, letting himself lose and forget everything...

Jeonghan swallowed as he realized he was digging his own grave right now. Seungcheol was right beside him, still excited from his exercise, his seductive pheromones very clear, tempting him. And he could only think about getting on top of him and fucking the man senseless.

'See ya.' He excused himself, surprising the alpha still on the ground, ready for another round. Looking at his watch, Jeonghan closed his eyes as he sprinted to his room, trying to think of something disgusting to calm himself down.

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