Chapter 23

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A familiar tone caught Jeonghan's attention causing him to stop typing the words to his essay. He knew what it meant, but he still wanted to look over at his phone screen just to make sure. The thin device was not at its usual place so the omega got up the table to search for it, only to find it still plugged in, on the bedside table. Sighing just because, he brought the phone close.

Heat in 1.5 months – the reminder he set to remind himself to find a partner willing to spend a whole week with him. Two months were too long, and a month was not long enough to find someone and ask them to take a week off. So, he randomly settled for one and a half month. Not that, he ever needed the reminder; all his usual partners keep track of his heat in case they were lucky enough to be chosen. Unfortunately for him, he needed it since the incident with Sehun. He no longer wanted to be associated with the old club, which meant not revealing his new number to those frequenting the high-end social place. Because he knew it would only be a matter of time before Sehun finds out. Although he doubt the alpha was still hung up with him, he didn't want to take the chance. The model can be very persistent and possessive.

Feeling a bit annoyed at the notification, Jeonghan started to scroll down his phonebook for any potential partners. He usually keep the contacts of the alphas who he deemed good enough to trust to care for him for a week. However, he was already at the end of the list and all he had were of the shelter, publishers, police, his classmates, his two friends and the Chois.


Jeonghan scrolled back up and started to go down again, really slowly. There must be at least one person. God, he had been going to the club for a while now! Surely...

Fuck. FUCK!

This was bad. He had no one in mind. There was only less than two months left. And he didn't want to return to that disgusting place. Owh god, that awful place, filled with disgusting and dangerous thugs. Just thinking about the vile alphas there made him want to puke.

But he didn't want to go to his old club either. He didn't want to have to deal with his old contacts.

Should he go to another club in a new territory? But what if it turns out to be just another one of the west district club? And he would have to get to know the bartenders and staffs and police officers all over again. Too much work to be done in a span of less than two months.

Dammit. He needed an alpha. Desperately. This heat would be worse yet. He could just feel it. The news of his 'stepdad's' parole plea had been bothering him, he just knew it would affect him greatly. There was no way he could go through his heat alone.

No way.

'Urghhh.' Jeonghan groaned as he felt his rapid heartbeat. His irregular breathing... another attack. Inhaling and exhaling through his mouth to gain control, he closed his eyes and leaned forward, already tired. This was exhausting. Everything is exhausting. Why couldn't he erase his memories like some lucky kids with the same trauma? Why must he let other people do whatever they want with him when he just wanted to be left alone? Why didn't he have enough strength to end this already?

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