Chapter 35

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'Americano?' Jeonghan shook his head at the offer, giving an appreciative smile to his lover. He looked around, noticing there were actually more customer than usual. Signaling to Seungcheol to return to his work which earned him a playful look of disappointment, the omega returned back to writing his report.

'Welcome!' The usual greeting was heard and before he managed to put in his earphones,

'Annyeong Seungie!' Jeonghan lifted his head to see the woman he hoped would just stop visiting the café. They were talking briefly before Seungcheol went to the back, and as soon as their eyes met, she gave him her usual 'sweet' smile. And as usual, Jeonghan ignored her.

She had no reason to be here. It was clear she was doing this to get Seungcheol's attention, and despite knowing they are together now, Woo Ri still decided to make herself present in their lives. Jeonghan trusts his alpha enough to not get anxious as frequently he used to, but he still does. Because he didn't trust that woman. And he knew she was not fond of him either despite her pretense.

Returning to his laptop, Jeonghan decided to focus on completing his task, and maybe do some reading after to distract himself from her presence. Per usual.

He didn't realize how much time had passed before noticing a figure taking a seat right in front of him. Jeonghan frowned at the action, seeing that the person was wearing a black coat which meant they were not his boyfriend. And then he noticed the familiar scent – Seungri.

He cursed inwardly.

The alpha was obviously trying to get his attention from the action, so, not wanting to entertain him, Jeonghan chose to not say anything and continue with what he was doing. That was, until Seungri rudely pulled out his earphone.

And snapped their fingers. 'Hey.'

Jeonghan glared at Seungri who had a smug look on his face. He then sighed loudly hoping it would show the alpha that he was not interested in playing his games and that he wanted to be left alone. Unfortunately, that didn't deter the other and instead, Seungri smiled shadily

'Looks like you're all good now. I was so worried when I heard the news.' He commented, but Jeonghan knew he didn't mean what he said. The guy is one of those overly narcissistic alpha who only care about themselves. 'If you had an alpha protecting you, that guy would be the one beaten instead.'

Aah, there it was. The real reason for this rude behaviour.

Seungri leaned closer, his face all excited as if he did not just reminded Jeonghan about his traumatic attack and suggested that it happened because he was too weak to do anything to protect himself. So disgusting. Hence why he never bothered to even look at the guy in the first place. 'And Oh Sehun, that bastard dumped you right after? Heh, I told you he's no good.'

Jeonghan wanted to laugh. He didn't know Sehun 'dumped' him. He wasn't even aware that they were 'still together' before the attack. Misunderstanding the omega's soft chuckle as him laughing at his statement, Seungri suggested, 'I won't dump you. I got the guys, I'm even better than the snob. Nobody'll mess with you. So? How 'bout you be mine?

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