Chapter 2

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Jeonghan took a look around his new room. It was big, at least, bigger than his room at the shelter. There was even a tiny kitchen where he can cook simple meals, a mini fridge, and his own bathroom, a huge improvement from his old room which consist of a bed, small table and his wardrobe. Staring at the space, he wondered how he should fill the room. He never bought anything he didn't need as it requires space which he didn't have back then, but maybe he should start buying some. A few books, CDs maybe. Or even some random mini statues just to fill in the space. He had money to spend anyway. Moreover now that he entered college and received his first allowance from the scholarship, he should have enough even after all the clubbings he planned to do on days with no morning class the next day.

Laying down on the bed, Jeonghan stared at the ceiling.

This would be his room from now on. He wouldn't be expected to wake up at seven every day to help out with the shelter, nobody would wake him up if he overslept, and nobody would say anything if he messed up... Everything he ever wanted was finally happening but he felt weird. He felt somewhat empty. Just like the room.

Turning around, Jeonghan took out his sleeping pills, the only thing that helps him sleep free from nightmares. He should stop depending on them as much since he no longer had his therapist available 24 hours a day, nor had them living in the same building as him to prescribe the pills when he need them. If he require a new prescription, he would have to get himself diagnosed by the school therapist. Not to mention, the place only opens until 6 in the evening. But that was not why he dreaded the school therapist so much. It was because he seriously did not want to go through that again, telling someone about his vulnerable self. But if he don't do it, it would harder for him to get other medicine to help with his conditions. Especially during heats...

'Shit.' He breathed in and out deeply, trying to control his respiration. He could control his panic attacks better now but recently, the pressure of starting a new life alone, far from his omega family, triggered it quite frequently. He really need to stop overthinking.

Everything should be just fine. He need to stop worrying.

Tomorrow, after meeting all his new dorm-mates, and maybe a few classmates, he would feel better. Things would turn out just fine...


Seungcheol walked around the dormitory, excited to explore. He already met his neighbours – two seniors, one from his major and another from a different one – who greeted him as soon as he walked into his room. In the corner-most of the floor, he discovered a small lounge with a couch and a few chairs and a small television which somehow thrilled him. He doubt he would be using it much as he never watched much shows or dramas to begin with, but he definitely could imagine himself hanging out here with his new friends.

Bzz. Bzz. Taking out his phone, noticing his lover's name, the alpha smiled as he made his way inside the lounge hoping to call the omega. They haven't been talking lately since both were busy packing up for their respective universities. Woo Ri decided to go another university to pursue fashion design. Though he was disappointed that they would finally be apart for the first time since they knew each other, he understood that fashion is not this university's strong point so he let her go, Luckily, her college is also located in Seoul so even though they would not be able to see each other every day like they did, at least both of them would still be in Seoul. They would still be going out for dates on the weekends.

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