Chapter 31

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The slight shake woke Jeonghan up from him deep slumber. Still so tired, his muscles severely aching, the omega tried to open his eyes but to no avail. It was as if his eyes were glued shut. He just had no energy left to lift his lids.

'Jeonghan-ah? Time to wake...' The familiar soothing voice called out, but he could only manage a groan to let the other know he was conscious. The soft bed beneath him kept seducing him back to dreamland. 'Jeonghan?'

'Hrmmm...' Again, he grunted. Another few more questions with the same sound as an answer, the alpha finally realized the situation, to Jeonghan's delight. 'The, bathtub's filled. So uh, I'll carry you then. Okay... One, two-'

Jeonghan hissed slightly as he felt pressure on his ribs. Fortunately for him, the warmth and scent of the alpha made up for the discomfort, so he was forgiven. Seungcheol let him know he was going to be put into the water, and though he kind of hated the idea, there was nothing he could do to prevent it from happening. Expecting the cold jolt on his toes, he was surprised to realize the water was warm. In fact, just right that it felt good on his muscles. Placed against the tub with his head resting on the edge, Seungcheol started to wash his face, which finally allowed him to open his eyes, if only slightly.

'Water's okay?' Seungcheol asked, realizing he was finally up. Jeonghan only nodded groggily, still not wanting to talk. Taking a deep breath of comfort, the weak man closed his eyes again as he felt water down his hair, flowing through his face. He didn't know getting someone to bath him could feel so good. On second thought, maybe he only felt this way because he was so weak right now. Because he was 100% sure had he been healthier, this slow action would irk him. Whatever the reason was, he was enjoying himself right now.

Opening his eyes, Jeonghan looked around the bathroom, now almost fully awake. His sight locked on the jeans in the sink – his, all wet. Seungcheol turned around as well, noting the stare, and responded, 'Owh, yeah. It was, uh, wet from your heat so... I washed it a bit.'

Jeonghan only stared back at him. Now he had no pants. Should he go back wearing a towel? As if reading his mind, the man added, 'I'll dry it with the hairdryer. It'll be a bit damp though... hope you don't mind.'

Again, he nodded, not finding other appropriate answer. He shifted his gaze towards Seungcheol's wristwatch instead, looking at the time. Their check-out time was in another hour. There was no way his jeans would get dry enough by then. Not unless the alpha starts now. Understanding his silent concern, the latter explained how he had asked for an hour extension which was approved. Jeonghan just wondered how the man did it, reading his mind. He doubted his worry was apparent on his face as he always has the perfect poker face.

'I-,' Jeonghan struggled to talk, his voice hoarse. His throat hurt actually, which confused him. He didn't remember being hit in the neck, but then again, he was beaten up pretty good. One of the falls might have caused this.

'I can...' he continued, putting his hand on the other's, halting Seungcheol who was about to wash him with soap. Honestly, he didn't feel good letting the man rub him all over, despite having slept together just a few hours prior.

'Just the back.' The other answered and Jeonghan only complied. He wouldn't be able to reach back there after all. His shoulders hurt. After that was done, again, he told Seungcheol he could do the rest himself. And not wanting to push it, the man agreed, bringing his jeans out with him. Shortly after, Jeonghan heard the hairdryer switched on and sighed, relief that he was now left alone with his thoughts.

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