Chapter 18

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'How dare you run away yo-'

Jeonghan gasped, sitting upright, his body trying to run. Looking around the dark room, still in the midst of catching his breath, he noticed the figure moving on the other bed beside his – Haneul, probably bothered by the sudden noise. Wiping his face, noticing the wet sensation, he slowly lowered his knees before unveiling the blanket.

'Heh.' He scoffed, wondering why he even bothered checking. Of course he had a hard on, he never woken up from a nightmare without it. 'Fuck this.'

Fuck. Fucking fuck! Jeonghan really wanted to scream, angry at the situation. He didn't mind it happening anywhere else but why here? Why now? The last few days had been less than stressful, why was he still haunted by those horrible memories? And now, should he go and let off steam in the toilet? Shared by Seungcheol's family? Should he just swallow his pride and do this?

Of course. He never has any dignity left in the first place. Not when he is this wet.

Fuck pride.

Getting up from the bed, his mind already numb, Jeonghan made his way to the bathroom, not caring if he stumbled upon one of the family members. It was already so late; nobody would be up. Opening the tap water, he let the shower fall down his body and stared at his hard member. Sometimes he wondered why he still keep it when all it ever caused him was pain and humiliation. He considered it more than one time, he wouldn't need it as he is a male omega after all, and he will never end up with a beta lady as he is too dependent on alphas to be able to do so. Just one simple procedure and all these annoying ordeals would end. But alas, here he stood, too afraid to get through with it. Such a pathetic coward.

Jeonghan looked at the wall clock which was barely visible in the dark. He could make up one hand on 3 and the other on 10. It shouldn't take a genius to figure out what time it was. He considered the option to walk around the vicinity, waiting for sunrise, or get back to sleep. Honestly, he didn't want to get back to sleep. Because there was just this bad feeling in his gut. That he would still see that nightmare. What triggered it was still unknown, as most of his other ones but as he was not in a situation where he would even think about his past, it still bothered him. Could it be something they said during the day? Or did he stumble upon somebody who looked like one of those disgusting alphas? He did, see a lot of ahjusshis during their whole stay...

Now that he thought about it, he remembered seeing something on his phone when he was awoken momentarily from the vibration...

...owh shit.

Jeonghan rushed back inside and grabbed his phone, trying not to wake his roommate. Inwardly praying that it was just a fragment of his imagination, he took a deep breath and unlocked it.

2 missed calls from Det. Young

5 new messages from Det. Young

2 new messages from Ahjusshi

So he was not dreaming. He did get a call from the detective, one of the officers in charge of his case. Even after it ended, the man still decided to keep watch over Jeonghan so they remained close until today. That being said, unread messages or missed calls usually does not mean anything being merely friendly updates, but 2 missed calls and a few messages at night seemed a bit worrisome. It would usually be one or the other. It also didn't help that he just had a nightmare which still very much affected him right now. All in all, he was reluctant to read the message. Biting his lips, Jeonghan tapped on the notification.

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