Chapter 7

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Nope. Shouldn't be. Why would the omega be here in the middle of the night?

...nightlife. Of course. He stopped reading the man's book but he did search for his name once. It seemed Jeonghan chose to cope with whatever was happening by going to places like this. Honestly, he would avoid those kind of person but something made him care about this guy. He felt like he owed the man for his outburst a few days earlier. And guilt is one of his biggest weakness. Once he felt bad for doing something, it would haunt him for a long time until he fix it. Apparently, as the people around him pointed out, that was how Woo Ri usually manipulates him. He doubt that was true but he had to admit, sometimes it felt like she was.

'Tsk.' Seungcheol clicked his tongue in annoyance as he was reminded of his ex-lover again. He needed a distraction. Looking through the back mirror and seeing the omega still walking, the alpha thought of an idea.

Ensuring there were no cars behind him, Seungcheol decided to reverse his car and fetch the man. Jeonghan was obviously heading back to the campus and he was on the way back as well. He should at least do this much. Say his apology and get the man out of his mind for good. And, at the same time, get the man to keep him company until they reach the campus so he wouldn't think about Woo Ri. 'Jeonghan?'

The omega flinched at the sudden call but relaxed soon after, rolling his eyes as soon as he saw Seungcheol, 'Owh it's you.'

'What you doing here?' He tried asking although he had a pretty good idea why. Obviously Jeonghan was not having any of it as he pointed out to his outfit, 'Finding a good bed partner.'

It was apparent that the other male was provoking him, choosing to use the word 'bed partner' to refer to what he yelled at him the other day. Nodding along, trying to ignore the irritated aura the other was trying to emit, Seungcheol continued, 'Guess everyone suck today?'

That response, maybe caught the omega off-guard as he frowned to look at him, probably curious to his change of personality. Seungcheol knew the man was waiting for a negative reply but really, he didn't care at all. They have no relationship with each other, why should he hate what the other was doing? 'I mean, you're going back alone right now so, there's no good alphas right?'

'Yeah, you can say that.' Jeonghan seemed to lower his defense a little, finally replying to his question. He was still annoyed, Seungcheol wouldn't blame him for that considering he didn't leave such a good impression their last two meetings. There was a long silence where the omega just stood there, him just looking around the car not wanting to move as well, both of them not planning to make the first move to leave. Figuring it was the best for him to just let the man know of his intention, the alpha was about to speak before Jeonghan cut him, 'You?' to which he replied with a confused 'huh?'

'What are you doing here?' He repeated his question. Seungcheol gave it a brief thought, opting to joke around to ease the apparent tension. Patting the car a few time as a reply to Jeonghan's pointing of his outfit, he continued 'Cruising for lonely omegas to give ride to.'

'Owh?' he didn't know whether Jeonghan caught his playfulness, half regretting the image he just created if the man didn't. But seeing the other's slight soften of the face, he knew it was good for him to continue his unconvincing act. 'To where?'

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