Chapter 28 [M]

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No. It couldn't be. He was supposed to be in prison. Det. Young made it clear that his parole appeal was rejected. He assured him that the man would serve all his time. Why was he here?

It couldn't be him. He must have had way too many drinks. Could it be he was already in heat? Was that why he was hallucinating right now? That must be it, there was no way the old man would be here. This must be all in his mind. Gosh, his mental condition must have gotten worse if he could imagine the man so vividly like this, like he was real instead of just replaying his old memories.

He is so messed up-

'Not greeting yer old man? What? Yer too good for me now?'

Jeonghan glared at the man in front of him. He was getting closer. It felt too real. So, so real he started shivering from fear as he stepped back a few steps, trying to get further. The man looked older but he was bigger, bulkier than the last time he saw him. If this was his imagination, shouldn't he be the same?

'Yer heat's coming aight? Haha! What nice timing! Been so long uri cheonsa...'

No. He wasn't imagining things. The man was here, in front of him. Real. And seemingly came for vengeance. 'S-stay away you sick fuck.'

'Stay away? First thing ye say to yer appa after a while? Jeonghan-ah...' He hummed, softly, teasingly. With the same greasy voice. The voice which had been haunting him in his nightmares almost every night. Jeonghan turned his head around, trying to scan the area as brief as he could. He could run to the main road quickly, but he was not in his best condition. He just threw up.

Running away was risky. He needed to threaten the man. 'I can fucking lock you up again you bastard!'

He reached out in his pocket for his phone. He had the police on speed dial.

...shit. He left it a-

'Uhkk!' Jeonghan gasped as he was pushed harshly towards the bricks, he could hear his shoulder crack. Before he could react, his whole body was held against the hard wall and a slap landed on his face.

A slap so hard, he almost peed his pants.

It had been a while since he was hit like this. Like it was meant to kill instead of a mere warning. 'Ye think I'll letcha do that again? Huh? Nope. It's time ye pay yer due. Ye owe me bitch.'

Then he sensed it, the angry pheromones. So angry and heavy he almost felt himself suffocate. But before he could lose himself in fear, he was thrown towards the asphalt again. Only to be brought up and slammed once more towards the nearest wall so hard he struggled breathing from the impact. His chest hurt so bad he wanted to put a hand on it to somehow comfort himself. But the man didn't allow him. His right hand was held against the wall as the alpha positioned his face right in front of Jeonghan's.

Staring at him.

Grinning in satisfaction at his work.

The smell was just overwhelming, Jeonghan turned his face around and brought a hand near his mouth, trying to contain himself from throwing up. Because he wouldn't be able protect himself if all his stomach contents are coming out of his body. Unbeknownst to him, that action agitated the other, for some other reason, 'Ye fuckin' pregnant?' He gripped the terrified omega's jaws and forced their eyes to meet, 'Huh? Ye got something inside?'

Jeonghan shook his head as best as he could, sensing something bad would happen. Something even worse than what was currently happening. 'It's that boyfriend of yers? Already thinking of a family eyh?'

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