Chapter 42 [M]

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Seungcheol stood frozen in place, shocked from what he just heard. Obviously, this was not his first time hearing Jeonghan say it; his lover told him the same thing during Christmas when he was sick of Woo Ri being a part of his life. Despite that incident not having any big impact in their relationship, it didn't mean Seungcheol expected this to happen frequently and was able to brush it away like it was nothing. Something made Jeonghan say it, and he had no idea what.


'I can't... I just can't...' He swallowed hard, looking at the broken omega sitting on his bed. Wondering what happened the few minutes between him receiving the message and now. Honestly, he thought Jeonghan was downstairs, mingling around since he didn't see the man in the hallway. The only reason why he came to his room in the first place was to clean up before meeting his lover.

Why was this happening? What happened to him downstairs?

Seungcheol slowly made his way towards the distressed omega, not sure if Jeonghan would take offense in that. Despite the screaming, the man did not appear to be angry or he would has done something like he usually would. But then, that left him with sadness and despair, and he knew Jeonghan has lots of those triggers. How would he know which one?

'Hey,' He started, wanting to let the man know that he was calm so they could talk but before he could continue, the omega interfered, 'I don't wanna-'

'Jeonghan-' Seungcheol tried again, cutting him off.


'YAH!' He growled, realizing that the other was not in his right mind. It was as if he was not listening, or trying to listen to what Seungcheol had to say. As if he was in his own world. And that was the first for Seungcheol; he never seen Jeonghan in a demented state where he could not reach him. His growl did the trick though, forcing the omega to pay attention to him in silence. Jeonghan's pupils were still vibrating, but he was here, with Seungcheol.

'Tell me what happened.' Taking the opportunity to be closer to the man, Seungcheol sat next to him and rubs their forehead together, just to remind the man that he was there with him, not just in his imagination. As a response to his request, Jeonghan started muttering incomprehensible words, everything jumbled up together the alpha couldn't understand any of it. It was safe to assume that that was the exact thing that was happening inside his head, if not worse – mess. Chaos.

Seungcheol inhaled deeply, trying to recompose himself. This was honestly scaring him; he had no clue what to do. As soon as he let go of the omega though, Jeonghan started hyperventilating, and pulled himself backwards until he hit the wall.

'What th-'

'I can't do this. I can't hurt you. I don't wanna hurt you.'

'What do you mean?' Seungcheol furrowed his brows, frustrated at the whole situation. Why was this happening to his omega? Who caused him to be like this? The wet sensation could be felt on his cheeks and Seungcheol wiped it, realizing that he was crying. It hurt. Seeing his omega like this hurt.

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