Chapter 41

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The volunteer facilitator walked around in circle, reluctant to enter the dormitory. He had gotten his juice, and he also bought some cans of beer and sodas with some snacks for the younger omega. He was done with his task but somehow Jeonghan couldn't convince himself to get inside and do what he promised to do – talk to the awkward omega. Sure, he was concerned, but he didn't know whether he would be of any help. In fact, he was worried that he would make things worse with Soonyoung thinking that the senior who was living right beside him is a nosy busybody.

Urgh, how he wished the man was already asleep.

Would it be considered rude to pretend to forget about it? Tomorrow he can just let Soonyoung know that he had a lot in mind that he failed to remember he had made plans.

No, that would be too cruel. What if the kid was hoping to make a friend? Or even just talk to someone who would listen?

'What're you doing outside?' Jeonghan flinched a bit, caught off guard by the voice of his fellow volunteers. The 4th year male omega had just returned from a work-out session, based on his clothing. Embarrassed by his obvious squirms, Jeonghan greeted the man, showed the plastic bag in his hand and got inside, not bothering to explain his situation.

'Hurh...' Jeonghan sighed at the sight of his door and to its left. Soonyoung looked a bit depressed when he left, he could already be asleep or on the bed, not wanting to get out. Because Jeonghan was like that on days when he feels blue. Should he try knocking? If there was no answer, he could just leave. There was no need to force the kid into a conversation. He would, feel bad if he didn't do it...

The concerned senior took a few deep breaths, convincing himself to proceed with the plan and knocked a few times, pausing in between to not seem hasty. He gave it a few seconds, not even trying to say something since it wouldn't be heard anyways and he wouldn't hear any footsteps either. After deciding that an abundant of time had passed, Jeonghan turned back and entered his own room.

Guess it wasn't meant to be.

Laying all the beverages and snacks he bought today on the counter, Jeonghan grabbed his orange juice and puts everything else in the fridge. He could just bring the beers to the orientation party and enjoy them together with his alpha alone in the man's room.

Owh. Seungcheol's room... He wondered how much had changed since their own orientation party. The last time he went there after his attack, he didn't get the chance to see or remember anything so he was just curious. Is Seungcheol still sloppy? Did his alpha have their picture together printed and placed anywhere in the room? Because everything is digital now, so having their picture on paper would be a very nice gesture that Jeonghan knows will make his heart melt.

Speaking of... they can even continue where they left off! This time, he will get to have fun with his alpha and go really wild. Because damn, Seungcheol was really hot while drunk that night. The last few times they did it, the man had been really gentle so Jeonghan is really excited to encounter another aggressive make-out session with a drunk Seungcheol. Ah! He couldn't wait! Two more days...

Jeonghan chuckled to himself, jumping on the bed to hide between his pillows from his own lewd thoughts. He should wear something sexy underneath his sweater to surprise the alpha.

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