Chapter 14

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Only a few more papers and the semester would be over.

Which meant, two more weeks left until summer break starts.

Which also meant, two more weeks left for him to spend with his two friends whom he hadn't seen much since the examinations started.

Jeonghan knew they wouldn't be able to see each other much as they had to study, but he didn't expect sudden drop in contact all together. Joshua already went back to America since he had no examinations in the first place but Seungcheol, that alpha, stopped sending him random texts since last week. It felt weird, they had always been together the last few months so not having the two guys around made everything felt... out of place. Like something was not right.

He knew the feeling would past though. He just need time to readjust, to find something to do now that he had all these free time. It wouldn't be that difficult since he had always been this way; alone. It never bothered him then, it should not bother him now. He just need to relearn that feeling. To relearn how to enjoy being by himself. And everything would feel alright.

He had to make sure it does. He had to.

Because the three of them were only temporary. Once they tick off everything on the list, their 'friendship' would end as well. They would go back to being three college students from different majors, trying to graduate.

Taking a long breath, Jeonghan stared at the 'Korean experience list' he just crossed off, counting the ones left. When the new semester starts, they would head to the karaoke which meant, another one will be ticked. It felt like a lot when he and Joshua first made the list, but now, it seemed otherwise. Once he checked everything on the piece of paper, there would be no reason for him to keep seeing the other two except for casual hang-outs, which he was sure would get old really quickly. Then, Seungcheol and Joshua would spend more and more time with their original group of friends. And fast forward a year later, they would go back to being mere acquaintances, then to somebody they used to know.

Sighing, feeling a bit tired from his thoughts, Jeonghan closed his notebook and put it inside his bag. He really needed a distraction from the depressing thoughts. He knew he shouldn't overthink things, he knew he just did exactly that, and he knew the consequences. But, he also knew how to fix himself to feel better.

Alcohol and alphas.


'Tsk.' Seungcheol clicked his tongue the two men already starting a fight this early. He looked back at his cousin who was tending the bar, wanting to ask him how he should handle it. He himself could never stop the fight, he would probably just get beaten up but Siwon was another level. Once he demand the misbehaved to stop their acts, they would listen. Why? Seungcheol would love to know but he had yet to dig it out from the man.

Well, it seemed the bar owner did not care. Seungcheol could never figure out the reason why the man choose to stop some, and let some proceed but whenever he asked, Siwon would just reply with a smirk or a wink. At one point he thought it could be because of the presence of VIPs in the back room but that hypothesis went out the window. So now, he was just left wondering.

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