Chapter 43

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Seungcheol stared at the stained bedsheet, unmoving. The reality hitting him like a ton of bricks now that his omega was gone and he was left alone in his room with his thoughts after the chaos outside.

He was mated.

He has an omega to take care of. He must become an adult right away.

'Fuck.' Seungcheol let himself fall to the floor and stared at the bedframe, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. How would he support them? He still received allowance from his parents, the part-time job barely able to pay for his outings. Where were they going to live? He couldn't afford to pay rent. Obviously he couldn't ask his parents to pay for an apartment for him and his mate...

Shit. Why didn't he think about this before? He only thought hard about being mates in the companionship aspect which he was ready. He thought. Because he really loves Jeonghan. But he didn't think about the financial aspect. At all. And he should have, because he was the alpha and alphas support the family. Just like his father support theirs, and his grandfathers supported their own. How would he do it right now? Without a job??

And what should he do about his parents? They obviously knew he was dating Jeonghan, and they liked his omega too. But, his mother always advised him to focus on his studies first so he could get a good opportunity later. And he promised her he was doing just that. Which was not a lie. But, he also marked Jeonghan. Which technically was still not breaking his promise yet it felt like it. Being mates was in the romantic department, not academic.

Dammit. He was so screwed.

Pulling the sheets from the bed, Seungcheol hastily folded it and put it with his other laundry, not wanting to get the attention of the other residents of the dormitory. The coin laundry was at the common area where he had to walk to. If he carried his sheet there, they would take the opportunity to tease him again. He didn't think he could handle that right now. His mind was in a mess and he just wanted some alone time to think.

Ah shit. Someone was there. He thought those people would be back in their rooms sleeping the fatigue and hangover away hence why he decided to do his chores right away. Maybe he should do this at night. Seungcheol was about to turn around before,

'Seonbae!' The man called, to his annoyance. Seungcheol turned back around to give the junior a forced smile. 'The other two's free. I'm just waiting for mine. It's gonna get done in a few minutes.'

'Oh. Thanks.' Seungcheol moved inside, still reluctant to start the machine. Because the kid, the Chinese dude who was in his own course if he remembered correctly, would be standing here all the while. Hopefully he would not ask about what happened considering he was a junior. Inserting the coins, Seungcheol set the washing machine and immediately planned to return to his room.

'Seonbae!' The man called, and Seungcheol sighed, now feeling like raising his voice for no reason. He knew he was not supposed to, but he was not in the mood to talk about what was complicating his life right now in a positive way. But he also didn't want to think of it negatively because he knew it was a beautiful thing.

'Wen Junhui. I'm in your course, I think? Wonwoo said you're in Mechanical Engineering?' Junhui went up to him, his face excited as he introduced himself. Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows slightly, trying to figure out who this Wonwoo was before remembering the robot guy. 'Yup. You know Wonwoo?'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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