Chapter 19

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The car finally pulled into a stop and the rest of the family excluding Seungcheol opened their doors. Jeonghan turned his head to the right, studying the red brick house which was the same as every other building on the street, and yet seemed lovely with the potted plants lined up on their gates and on the veranda. He didn't know there was such place with many houses in Seoul before, except for the rich neighbourhood. Granted, the Chois live further north so the houses might be cheaper.

'Come inside.' Haneul's voice called, and Jeonghan nodded his head before stepping out. The campus is back at the central but they decided to first get back home before changing drivers to send Jeonghan back. He knew the plan, and yet, it didn't occur to him that they would invite him in. For some reason he thought Seungcheol would drop his family and stuff and Haneul would then send him straight to the campus. Because people just do not invite strangers into their home.

Holding on to his bag, Jeonghan waited outside, hesitant to proceed. The door was opened, he heard them asking him to sit but since they didn't realize he was not there, it was safe to assume they were busy putting their bags in their rooms. He could see the living room with a three-seater and a single couch, fitting exactly four people, facing the television, and in front is a tiny coffee table, and the dining room also with four chairs. There were pictures of both Haneul and Seungcheol framed on the wall heading up towards the second floor. This is definitely the Choi's house.

'What're you doing? Go inside.' Seungcheol called, surprising him as he flinched a bit. Bowing a little, he held out his right arm and offered the owner to lead instead, an action that earned him a silly chuckle. Following the man, he closed the door and took out one of the dining chairs to sit. 'Sit on the couch, silly. Let's relax for a while.' The alpha suggested and he found himself complying. He was about to think about where to sit before Seungcheol crashed himself on the soft cushion and laid on his side. That left the one spot beside his head, and the single couch open. But, the latter is obviously for the man of the house. So, Jeonghan quietly take his position, careful not to sit on the other's head. 'You're tired?'

'Five-hour drive's not easy.' Seungcheol answered, exhausted. He then took a deep breath before closing his eyes, ready to sleep. Jeonghan offered him a smile which went unnoticed and turned his head upwards, just staring at the interior of the house. He heard noises upstairs and then footsteps getting louder signifying someone was getting down. As no one had yet to talk to him, he continued looking around, analyzing the whole living room.

Unlike their guesthouse in Geoje, there was a few things left scattered around. Although still neat and organized, this is definitely not one of the model houses he would see in dramas or furniture catalogs. DVDs stacked underneath the television set, some documents and magazines under the coffee table, chargers coming out of one of the drawers, it gave him some sense of familiarity yet, strange feeling. The sofas too, are worn out unlike the one at the bar owner's house but comfortable. And the smell... the smell of the Chois. Just like the smell of Seungcheol's pillow...

'Jeonghan-ah. You can watch TV if you want. Just make yourself comfortable.' Mrs. Choi voice called out to him and Jeonghan turned his head towards the kitchen to see her putting some things inside one of the drawers. It was impressive, how they unpacked things so quickly. He would usually leave his stuff in the bag and take it out when he needs them. Just like how he still has some of his things inside his bag when he first moved out of the dorm. 'You hungry? Where's Cheol?'

'Ah, no. It's fine.' He answered the first question before looking back at the sleeping alpha whose head somehow made it onto his lap without him realizing. Seungcheol was already fast asleep. Glancing at the old lady who was still organizing the kitchen, he told her about her son. She smiled and nodded without looking back, 'He must be tired. You too, right?'

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