Chapter 34

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The loud alarm irritated Jeonghan greatly he pushed his phone down the bed. After two whole weeks of sleeping in, he couldn't get himself to wake up as easily as he could. Now the phone was buzzing on the floor, which added to the noise. Jeonghan grumpily took it towards his face to turn it off.

There. All good.

Before he could get back to dreamland, the young omega's eyes shot open as he realized what he had today - breakfast with his new lover. Hurriedly searching for the lost phone somewhere under the bed, he looked back at the clock and cursed to himself. No wonder he set the alarm so early in the morning.

Jeonghan ran to the bathroom to clean himself.


Nodding awkwardly towards his course mates who somehow looked excited to see him, Jeonghan made his way towards the lecture hall. This was his first class after the incident, and the first time he saw his classmates as well. They looked like they wanted to say something, and Jeonghan inwardly hoped that they shut their mouths. Because he didn't want to spend the whole day explaining his situation. That would be bothersome.

There was, however, someone he needed to thank. Though he would love to pretend nothing happened, he couldn't be rude to the person who offered to help even without him asking. And so, spotting the familiar mop of brown hair, Jeonghan made his way to where Nayeon was seated.


'Owh hi! You're back! You okay?' Jeonghan nodded, forcing a smile. Minus the time they talked during club meeting, he never actually had a conversation with her. Or any of his classmates for that matter. It was a bit uncomfortable.

'Listen,' Jeonghan started, taking a seat beside her so he could talk without raising his voice, 'that, uh... thanks. For the homework.'

She smiled, her smile so familiar. 'It's no biggie.'

'Yeah.' He replied. Thinking of how to proceed. Or how to end. This was not something he ever did, 'And, uh, for the offer. The one you slipped under my door.'

'Owh, yeah. Glad they caught him so soon.' Again, Jeonghan nodded. He understood why she was so popular - she was friendly and kind. There was not even a hint of arrogance in her tone, nor any awkwardness. It was warm. Again, familiar.

'Urm.' He uttered. Not knowing what to say now. A nod to excuse himself, she added, 'The seat's empty.'

Jeonghan turned towards her, 'if you wanna sit there. I can help you catch up.'

Not wanting to reject the offer as it would make the situation uncomfortable because he would end up seating alone anyway, he sat back down. Nodding. She grinned at him sweetly, and Jeonghan realized why she seemed so familiar – she looked like a bunny.

Just like his Cheol.

And warm, just like Joshua.

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