Chapter 10

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'Now be a good boy and sit on ahjusshi...'

Jeonghan desperately gasped for air as he sat himself up, heaving as he looked around, trying to find an escape. He didn't want to do it anymore. He had to find a way ou-

Owh, fuck. His head felt like it was hit by a brick. Air was coming out from his lungs, filling his throat. Stumbling on his feet, Jeonghan rushed to the slightly opened door, hoping he had the right one because if he wasn't someone would have to clean the floor after him.

'Blearghhh!!' Spilling yesterday's lunch, because obviously, he didn't have dinner, Jeonghan forced his body to clear his stomach content as quickly as possible. He didn't want to spend a lot of time throwing up. He just wanted to get it over with, go home and get his fucking pills.

He had that fucking dream again. One of those dreams. Still haunting him after a decade.

Deciding he had nothing else to spill, Jeonghan got up from the floor and flushed the bowl, dragging his legs to the sink. The cold water filling his mouth felt refreshing, but it was still too early for him gurgle due to gag reflex, and so, he opted with a simple wash. Then, he wet his whole head, finding the cold great against his terrible headache.

Why the heck did he get so intoxicated enough to have such a bad hangover? He always had good control of his alcohol intake, he still wants to have clear conscious when sleeping with strangers. He was never this reckless...


Jeonghan closed his eyes, trying to control his anger with himself. He remembered this damned scent. It was similar to one of 'his regulars'. Being around alphas with those pheromones would give him flashbacks of his past, triggering his trauma and making him sick to his stomach which is why he would usually avoid them. But on rare occasions, when he stumbled upon them already halfway drunk, and with them releasing their sexual aura, it would messed up his mind and his would subconsciously be submissive and sleep with them. Just like the useless, dumb little Yoon Jeonghan.

That little bastard was so afraid he would get punished, just smelling the alphas was enough to wet him. And because of his fucking cowardice, now Jeonghan associates alphas having certain scents with him having to submit to them, and despite how much he tried to fight it, it would only trigger his panic attacks. Just one of the ways his past fucks with him.

Not wanting to be in the presence of the alpha any longer, Jeonghan started to gather his clothes and wore it. He wanted to be home as soon as possible so he could clean every single part of his body, thoroughly scrubbing every inch. There was no way he would do it here. He didn't want to spend even a moment longer breathing the same air as the bastard. Turning around, half panicking, Jeonghan breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of used condoms. At least he didn't get the cum inside because that would be painful to clean.

'You're up...' the omega pretended to not notice the hoarse voice of the alpha. 'Already leaving?'

Patting his pockets to make sure he had his keys, wallet and phone, Jeonghan took out some money and placed on the drawer, glaring at the alpha who was still talking, trying to get his attention. Without saying a word, he sneered in disgust, closing the door behind him and walking away as quick as he could.

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