Chapter 22

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'Assa! We're gonna win the match!' The team captain gleefully exclaimed, looking at his team's performance. Seungcheol admit, his team was good, he had a really hard time trying to score. And obviously, it was not due to his lack of skills. Now finally done with practice and cleaning the court, all the team headed towards the locker room to finally change.

'Yah,' the youngest member turned towards one of his seniors, Dongwon who was sitting on the bench staring at him. Beside him, his two best friends also doing the same thing. Truthfully, the sight of the trio sometimes intimidates him, with their model-like faces and muscular bodies; very unlike any normal engineering student, at least, the ones in his class. The three of them suddenly leaned closer, 'you and Yoon Jeonghan, are you,' Hongseok pointed both his index fingers and brought them close together, 'dating or something?'

'Right? You like guys after all?'

'Heh?' Seungcheol frowned, a bit surprised. Of course, some people asked him when he posted that video of Jeonghan but he thought that was a one-time thing. Obviously they didn't came to that conclusion based on that one video where Jeonghan was barely recognizable. Right? And sure, he hangs out with the omega a lot, but he also mingles with his other friends as well. Not to mention, most of the time, they go out with Joshua. 'We're close.'

'But are you guys dating?' the older alpha continued his attacks, and somehow, all his other teammates in the room seemed interested as they too, stopped what they were doing and came close. Feeling warm in his cheeks, Seungcheol cleared his throat, realizing he had no way to avoid answering. He wanted to say no, but he knew they wouldn't leave him alone. No, he knew if he said no, one of them would ask him for Jeonghan's number. Because why not? The omega's really pretty. And cute. And adora-

Jeonghan is attractive enough to gain such attention. It made him wonder why none of these alphas even tried to make a move on him just yet-

'How'd you even get so close to him? He doesn't like young college guys right?'

'Aish. You lucky bastard.'

Owh. Hearing his seniors whined, he now remembered why. Jeonghan's standard is too high. Biting his lips to refrain himself from laughing at how pitiful some of his seniors were, he quickly apologized when one of them got offended. Unfortunately for him, they didn't want to let him off easy and continued drilling him. He knew he had to do something to escape.

'We're... on the way, I guess.' He nodded to sell his answer to the curious group of males. It wasn't enough though, as one of them demanded clarity, 'So, he's still available?'

'No. I me-' Seungcheol looked around, staring at each at their faces, warning them not to pursue whatever they were thinking, IF, they were thinking of trying their chances, 'We're dating.'


'So you're my boyfriend now?' Seungcheol swallowed, glancing over at Joshua for help. He didn't think much when he said it, it was just to stop his seniors from ever asking him about the very pretty omega in front of him. It was clear Jeonghan was pissed off, he made it clear that he didn't want any relationship especially with him, so it was a rational reaction. To make things worse, Seungcheol one-sidedly claimed it. He thought it wouldn't be such a big deal since he said it only to his small group of members, but apparently those bastards couldn't keep their mouths shut. It had only been a day and yet, Jeonghan already heard about it. Once again, he found himself surprised at the power of the young author's popularity.

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