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At the age of six, Yoon Jeonghan received his first journal. It was a cute notebook with red cover decorated with his favourite cartoon characters, only 40-pages thick. He had been imitating his father engraving his life into his own diary, the child using whatever paper available so the young journalist finally decided to gift his son his very own notebook for his birthday. Jeonghan could read and write better than his classmates so he got into the hobby quiet easily despite his age. That first year, he only wrote when reminded so 40 pages were enough. Not for long though...

At the age of eight, Yoon Jeonghan finally realized feelings are more than just happy, sad and angry. As he took journaling very seriously, he began to struggle to describe the complicated emotions he felt throughout the day. The young boy also enjoyed reading the newspaper to refine his writing in order to squeeze as much information as he could into a page. His young mother could help him at first but soon realized his only boy has a talent just like his father. And so, on his eighth birthday, Mrs. Yoon gave her son a dictionary and some novels to read. For some, it was too much to present to a boy at that age but she knew he had potential and enjoyed the hobby so she decided to support it.

At the age of nine, everything fell apart. Mr. Yoon was killed while helping a drowning child and the young family was left without support. The house was theirs if the widow could pay the loans but she couldn't, not without a job, and her skills could only afford her so much. And so, Jeonghan left for the ghetto a few months after the funeral. At the age of nine, writing became his only solace.

At the age of eleven, the abuse started. Mrs. Yoon had been the talk of town due to her beauty until she caught the eyes of the main alpha. After that, their lives were 'guaranteed', in a way, as the thugs stopped harassing them as much and there were income, albeit dirty and not as much. For Yoon Jeonghan though, his nightmare had just started. The younger gangsters started eyeing him, waiting for him to turn fifteen, or even sixteen, telling him how beautiful he looked and how they would treat him had he been woman, or an omega. It made him uncomfortable despite them never actually did anything, as they still had the conscience to not touch a child.

However, when Jeonghan presented that summer, a year earlier than normal omegas, his 'stepfather' started to treat him different. The old alpha began to touch him in inappropriate places, whispering sinful words, waiting for his first heat to come to 'make' him an adult. His mother, Mrs. Yoon let the man do it, in fear that he would leave them as the two never mated. And so, out of fear that the people would found out, young Jeonghan was forced to stop going to school. And true to the alpha's words, when his heat came, he had his first sexual experience, with his own 'stepfather'.

Things got better when Mrs. Lim, a teacher, stumbled across the young omega only to realize he was not attending her school, the only omega school in town. She  took action and forced Jeonghan to attend or risk being taken by social service, and so the couple had to stop their horrible act for a while, that was, until they saw some other opportunities.

And then things got worse.

That fall, Jeonghan returned from school only to be sent to a cheap hotel. Since that night, the child was forced to take betas during school nights and alphas during weekends.

He was sold to satisfy perverted adults. Heats were the worse as they kept him at home during the whole week, lying about him wanting to be with his mother during his most vulnerable moment while in truth, he was forced to take multiple alphas without rest.

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