Chapter 25

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Jeonghan looked into the mirror, combing his hair to tie them into a neat ponytail. He then pulled out a portion of his elongated bangs and set them neatly at the side, enjoying his pretty look. Should he add his eyeliner or just go there bare faced?

Bare face. He was going to somewhere people already know him. There would be a number of his old contacts there who he was confident would court him even without him trying so hard. Just imagining them swarming around him like before pleased him a bit, he felt a bit silly. Sure, he used to think it was annoying and pathetic of them but after frequenting the west district for a few months and constantly being pestered by desperate and insistent alphas and surrounded by a number of other dangerous ones, Jeonghan found himself missing it.

It had been more than half a year after all. He was allowed to miss doing something he had been doing for years. Come to think of it, why did he stop going anyways?

Owh yeah. Oh Sehun.

'Pfft.' Jeonghan laughed at himself, now feeling stupid about his paranoid self. The alpha's not as weak as Seungcheol who was still hung up over his bitch of an ex-lover. If anything, the model's the exact opposite of the man – confident and rational, and strong, definitely unromantic. The proposal was probably just a temporary confusion. After all, he was sure the man slept with other people as well. They were not exclusive.

It was stupid of him to went as far as to change club in the first place. Had he decided to continue going to his old one, he wouldn't have all these trouble finding a partner for his heat. His anxiety attacks wouldn't be as serious and his skin would still be as smooth and pretty as he always had been.

Stupid Jeonghan...

...although, he really should make sure the model was not going to the club tonight. Just in case. Because he really wanted to enjoy himself without any worries tonight. He really needed to clear his mind, especially after what happened just now with the brazen omega bitch.

Of course, he also needed to find an alpha. And no Sehun meant other people would be bold enough to get close to him.

Jeonghan opened his Instagram and started to search for the man's profile before stopping halfway.

He really shouldn't use his real profile right? Because the man would know he watched his stories...

Sitting down, reluctantly creating a new email and profile, Jeonghan finally click on the profile pic of the model's personal account which was public. It seemed he was hanging out with his friends so there was only a small chance he would show up later that night. Because they were not his clubbing friends. He was sure this group of friends prefer dinner and house games, like true adults.

'Okay!' Jeonghan exclaimed to himself, now excited to finally return to his old haven. One final look at his schedule and making sure he didn't have morning lecture tomorrow, he put his phone on silent.


Ah, this was more like it. He really missed the hanging purple diamonds, the huge dance floor, the very bouncy music which he can bop to lightly, the sound system... After months at the horrible low-quality club, he really came to appreciate this place. Also, the very good-looking patrons. Just one glance at their accessories and he knew he would get to sleep in a comfortable place tonight.

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