Chapter 9

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The moving shadow seen from beneath the door confirmed the presence of the owner. Knocking a few times to announce his presence, Seungcheol opened the door and leaned against it, greeting Taeyong whom he hadn't met in a while.

They used to be close, but being in different courses, they drifted apart naturally. Though they still hang out with each other once in a while, it was not how he had imagined their friendship to be at the beginning of their campus life. Taeyong is friendly with everyone so he was quick to form his own pack while Seungcheol could not fit in any – because he was not used to being in one.

Unlike other alphas, he had always been one half of a couple instead of a pack. Hierarchies and natural orders, albeit not a strict one, never felt natural to him like it did others. Not hanging out with other alphas as much, and spending time with his then-girlfriend instead, he turned mild. Seungcheol became more of a beta, trait-wise. When he was supposed to be testosterone-filled aggressive alpha teenager, he became mushy with love instead. As a result, he wasn't as easy to provoke, not eager to fight, and certainly, not crazy for other omegas. It occurred to him some time ago that the reason why their stronger kinds are meant to be with the weaker omegas, was to balance each other. It was a romantic thought, and he was always laughed at by his friends but he still thought it was true to this day, despite everything.

'Yo Coups!' Taeyong welcomed him with a hug. Groaning from the force, Seungcheol laughed, inwardly thinking of a way to ask for Jeonghan's contacts without implying that he was interested in the omega that his friend was after. He thought returning the man's book could be a good chance to do so, but now that he was here, he realized that was not enough reason. Still, he was already here with the book, it wouldn't be right to leave with it. 'Here.'

Taeyong's face fell at the sight, surprising Seungcheol who was holding on to the man's excitement so he they could talk about it. This, was unexpected. 'You finally read it.'

'Not really. I skipped a lot.' He laughed, trying to ease the tension. 'How'd you even finish it?' he tried again, hoping the man would bite the bait but instead, he gave Seungcheol a forced smile.

What happened between them? Last time they saw each other, his friend was still eager to get to know Jeonghan and got very enthusiastic every time the name was mentioned. Now it seemed, he just lost interest. He was not hating the man, Seungcheol didn't get that vibe. It was like, the obsession he had was just, gone. 'I got into it. Maybe too much.' A sigh. 'Anyway, you can have that. I'm done.'

The air was solemn. Seungcheol could only gave him a bitter smile, a condolence for his lost. Though he wanted to let it be and give his friend space, he couldn't help but be curious of the reason. Because although the omega might be cold with his words, he didn't seem like a bad person. And, not to mention, they slept together so it must have meant something... If Seungcheol could talk to Jeonghan a few times after orientation despite their bad start, he doubt the omega would leave his gentle friend hanging.

Just, why?

'He's hopeless.' Taeyong suddenly answered his question, understanding his obvious silence, 'I mean, he's attractive and all but he's never gonna be a good mate.'

'Owh...' Seungcheol couldn't help but frown at the comment. He didn't know Jeonghan enough to make that judgement, but that was a bit harsh, especially coming from Taeyong who apparently had been adoring the other since a while back. It made him wonder what Jeonghan did to his friend to cause him to feel this way. 'You know he sleeps around right?'

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