Chapter 8

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The clock showed a quarter past eleven, reminding Jeonghan on how long he had been sitting at the bar drinking his boredom away. Friday nights were supposed to be lively, he was hoping for that but it seemed, in this part of the city, every day is Friday. Sure, it was fun at first, but he got used to the atmosphere. Nothing excites him about this place anymore. Back at the old club he used to frequent, they hold themed events once in a while. Here, people just dance. The DJ changes every day but the sounds are the same. The people coming here? Below average which made his alpha hunting harder than he thought. So hard that he had to go through his last heat alone. For the first time in years, he had to endure the humiliating and traumatizing experience alone.

'Still no one?' the bartender with whom he had made acquaintance with asked, knowing fully well his intention and interest. Jeonghan always made sure he knew the staffs of the place he would frequent so they can be his alibi if anything were to happen. Over the years, he learned that these people matter the most especially if he were to be accused of anything, which he was, one too many times by the alphas he rejected.

Shaking his head as an answer, Jeonghan smirked in acknowledgement as his friend gave him the 'signal'. An alpha was walking towards them, and based on her expression, a good-looking alpha. Winking at the staff, the young omega turned towards the newcomer, giving him a disinterested look but inwardly assessing him.

Above-average at best, but with a hot body. Confident, that was for sure which made him appear to be even more attractive than he actually was. But obviously, Jeonghan could always see pass through it. 'Been watching you. Jeonghan right?'

'Yeap. And that was not creepy at all.' He started his act, making the man work for him. The man chuckled at his reply, it was a cute one, but a calculated gesture. Not that he cared, there was no way he would find a genuine person here anyway. 'Well, I heard about you and uh, your adventures.'

Jeonghan clicked his tongue in annoyance. It was no secret he despise pretenses but a little teasing never offended him. Being honest about wanting to fuck him was, and bringing up his past to back it up, even more. As if he was nothing but a sex object they can do whatever they want to whenever they want. This guy, just ticked all the boxes. 'Too bad. Not feeling adventurous tonight.' Jeonghan got his point across and turned back towards the bar, not wanting to waste his time on the alpha before his hand was pulled lightly, but firmly back.

'I can show you a good time.' He persisted, to which the omega again, rejected. 'Maybe I have something that might change your mind.' The man pulled out something from his pocket to show the latter, his eyes lurking around, aware of the surrounding before stopping a few seconds to a corner of the second deck. Tracing his view, Jeonghan noticed a group of men on the upper deck, observing them both. It was so unnerving he had to quickly shifted his gaze to avoid getting caught staring. His eyes landed on the small tube on the alpha's hand.

Drugs. Of course. There was no way he was getting into this mess. 'No thanks.'

'I'll let you have a taste...' The man tried to trace his face gently, licking his lips before Jeonghan pushed it away, glaring at him. '...for free. Then we can-'

'Piss off.' Another push, countered by a forceful pull and the younger male had enough. The alpha was practically begging him to take the drug and sleep with him, it seemed he wouldn't stop no matter what Jeonghan did. He needed to get his point through clearly – with a slap.

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