Chapter 38

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'What? Wh-' Before Seungcheol could complete his sentence, Jeonghan interrupted, 'I'm going back. Alone.'

And walked away. Staring fiercely at the alpha to warn him not to follow. He really wanted to be left alone with his thought. And despite the situation, he really didn't want to get angry at his lover. Sure, he was pissed off, and he knew that Seungcheol did not deserve this kind of treatment but his mood was ruined and he was not the kind that could forget things like this and pretend nothing happened just like that. He needed time. He would talk to his boyfriend once he cools down, so he wouldn't say anything hurtful to the sweet alpha.

Jeonghan was looking around, trying to remember where the train station was before his steps halted.

He saw them – the two men who had been following him and his lover these past few weeks.

Maybe it was his frustration with the what just happened, or maybe it was because he was in a public place so he knew they would not do anything to him but without knowing what came over him, Jeonghan suddenly gained the courage to confront those men. He just wanted to scream and hit something, and these two had been getting on his nerves; terrorizing him for no reason. And so, Jeonghan walked quickly, making sure that the men knew he was coming.

'YAH!' And he pushed one of them forcefully, enough that the alpha shifted back a few steps.


Seungcheol heard Jeonghan's angry voice and looked around, wondering if his omega suddenly decided to scold him instead of going back by himself. To his horror, he saw his small omega picking up a fight with two large men. Running as fast as he could towards the three, afraid that the two strangers would hit his omega, Seungcheol grabbed Jeonghan and pulled the man slightly behind him, glaring at the two, challenging them to try and do something to his omega. He made sure to threaten them with his pheromone too, knowing how strong his was compared to normal people. Behind him though, Jeonghan continued to provoke the two, 'Why the hell do you keep following us?? TELL ME YOU BASTARD!!'

Shit, were these two-? He remembered Jeonghan telling him about being followed but because he never noticed them despite trying to do so a few times, he figured that Jeonghan was just being paranoid. Just a look at the omega and the two, and he knew that Jeonghan was telling the truth.

Feeling his blood boil, Seungcheol grabbed the one was wearing a beanie, furious, 'Why were you following us??'

He could tell that they were scared of him. The one behind him was already planning to escape with his hind leg getting further away. The one in his arm though, started shaking, and before long, spilled everything, 'Chill man, we aren't trying to do anything!'

'HUH? THEN WHY FOLLOW US??' Seungcheol growled loudly, feeling very outraged that their privacies were invaded by these two strangers, especially for no reason. 'Are you trying to kidnap my lover??'

'N-no man!! Some girl just hired us to follow you!! Tell him!' Beanie guy gritted his teeth, urging his friend to back him up. And the man did, repeating what was said. 'She paid us to do nothing so we did it! Sorry!!'

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